by Mollie Millington | Feb 14, 2024 | gift guide, health
Love is in the air. Happy Valentine’s Day to you! I hope you treat yourself to some amazing self care treats. In the spirit of self love and body acceptance, this gift guide is meant to help people who are going through perimenopause and menopause. It can be a dark journey (with over 30 different symptoms to combat) and I hope that these ideas can help you support people affected in your circle, or even help you cope. Most of these I have not tried myself (I will say if I have) so please do some research before investing in any products or services.

How about a spa break? Using elements ranging from acupressure to phytohormones and more to address the side effects of menopause and enable women to enjoy their wellbeing holistically. offer some of the best spa breaks for women in menopause. Spa has 27 different listings that offer this service. Gift vouchers are available if you are not sure which would be best. I know this treatment is on my list for 2024.

Earlier in the year, Charlotte Blackler launched the UK’s first food range specifically designed to incorporate plant oestrogens to bring women natural relief from unwanted symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Eating a diet which contains high levels of plant oestrogens can help keep those fluctuating hormone levels of perimenopause and menopause in balance. Mena Pause shop offers subscription services and bundles of their products to support women by providing tasty grab-and-go options they could easily fit into a busy lifestyle. If you are opposed to hormone replacement therapy, these foods might be of help.

You may recall that in 2022, I reviewed the Forth Perimenopause test and found it very insightful. I was able to take my results (shown above) to my doctor and that prompted them to order a hormone blood test via the NHS. While the at-home kits blood collection is not as good as one with a phlebotomist, I liked how the Forth test kits have you submit samples based on your menstrual cycle, rather than a random day/time like the NHS. Your results will be included in a comprehensive hormone report.

One of the hardest things I have had over the last few years has been poor quality sleep. For a while, I blamed Maple waking up several times a night (and then sleeping on the floor with her). I tried pillow spray, scented candles, essential oils, and couldn’t find a way to improve my sleep. While researching this gift guide, Earth’s Secret Sleep supplements came to my attention. These are formulated to help perimenopausal women sleep easier. For most women, menopause is when your oestrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate rapidly before eventually dropping. These hormones play a key role in regulating your energy levels. This fluctuation leave you exhausted with low energy levels and can also lead to other symptoms that may interfere with your quality of life. Anxiety, depression, hot flushes, night sweats, and frequent urination can also disturb your sleep or keep you awake and only exacerbate your fatigue and dampen your mood. Earth’s Secret Sleep Complex was formulated to provide the necessary rest that our bodies require to function correctly. Saffron, a rich Indian spice, and other sleep-inducing botanicals are used to improve the quality of your sleep. It is also combined with the power of tart cherry, passionflower, lavender, and chamomile. This may be another product I have to try (although marathon training has helped ensure I have slept soundly over the last few months).

In the research I have done about weight gain and fitness training during menopause to feel fit and healthy again, the answer seems to be lifting heavy weights. Therefore, working with a knowledgeable personal trainer can make a world of difference. Invest in coaching with my friend Elle, a Menopausal Coach and personal trainer. She recently completed a menopause coaching certification and now offers a three month coaching subscription which can make a great gift.

One of the hardest parts of perimenopause for me has been the incontinence. It took me a long time (and lots of pants) to find period pants that worked for my incontinence when at work and when exercising. Cheeky Wipes is a brand I only recently have been introduced to and yet to try. They offer period pants, cloth pads, and incontinence products. Pants and pads can help to manage leaks, floods and clots in a discreet and comfortable manner. Whether you prefer pants or pads is a personal preference. I prefer pants for incontinence and pads for my period.

These are just a few suggestions to help you (or a friend) through the change. With so many symptoms, each person experiences something different and needs assistance in a different way. I posted some of my coping mechanisms here and would love for you to leave a comment below with other products, services, and tips you have for surviving this transition period.
by Mollie Millington | Jan 15, 2024 | Uncategorized
Today is Blue Monday, which means it is the most depressing day of the year. Christmas is a distant memory and winter has set in on the Northern Hemisphere. You may be wavering on your new year resolutions too. Today doesn’t have to be the day you give up on anything. Whether is was a goal, a dream vacation, a promotion, or a seat on the morning train, you can obtain whatever you are dreaming off (I can coach you on setting SMART goals, just get in touch to arrange). Let’s say you joined a gym last month of this month to ‘get in shape’. That definition can mean a something different to everyone. Whatever it means, I assume you will be planning on going to the gym regularly. So once you are there, how can you make the most of your gym membership to achieve your goals?

After joining a gym, you will probably have an induction of some sort to give you a walk through the facility and potentially some instruction on how to use the equipment. After that, it is up to you. You joined for a reason and now it is time to get your money’s worth (you can read my tips on how to choose a gym here). Ensure you understand exactly what the membership offers and choose a facility that matches your interests. Some gyms have tiered memberships (on-peak vs off-peak, with group exercise classes or without, 24 hours vs 6am to 10pm) and each level will have different features. If you are primarily interested in group exercise classes, verify the timetable matches your availability. Once you join, try everything that is available to you- each piece of equipment, each area, each class- to see what else you can use to reach your goals.

Matt Reynolds, Business and Marketing Development Manager at Redbridge Sports and Leisure, also stresses that members need to establish a routine. ‘Gym users that find a routine in the first 12 weeks are far more likely to stick to their training programme and achieve greater results.’ Reynolds says. ‘Keep initial goals simple and think creatively about how you can increase activity in your daily life too.’ One tip to help ensure you make it a regular part of your day is to stop at the gym either on the way to work or before stopping home in the evening. Most people find it hard to leave the couch once they sit down (myself included), so prevent that from becoming an issue. Keep healthy snacks in your desk to fight off hunger pains that might tempt you to cook dinner first or change into your workout clothes before you leave the office. The good news if that we are only three weeks into the new year so you still have time to tweak your new routine and still stick to it.

Another tip is to keep the mental load low by renting a locker. Life is so much simpler if you can leave toiletries, a towel, and change of clothes at the gym rather than carry all that to and from work. It also allows for spontaneity should you finish a meeting early or pass the gym on the way home from brunch on the weekend. Another option is to leave a few things at work in case you do forget something, such as a sports bra, socks, clean underwear, face wipes, or deodorant. I would suggest protein shakes and granola bars too just in case you need a protein hit after a workout or fuel before you hit the gym.

Don’t forget that what you do outside the gym will affect how successful your membership is too. Beau Scott, of Cardiff Sports Nutrition, recommends feeding your body to compliment the time spent in the gym. He has two tips. First, consume adequate amounts of protein after a session. This will help your muscles repair and reduce the occurrence of DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness). Less DOMS gets you back on gym floor sooner, ready for the next training session. Second, Scott says “Carbohydrates are what will give you the energy you need to give 100% during your sessions without worrying about nodding off at your desk. Incorporate carbs, from sources such as sweet potatoes, fruit, pasta and rice, into your meals to keep energy levels up.” I find counting macros (carbs, protein and fat) a good way to ensure I am eating balanced meals and ensuring my body is benefitting too. Balancing macros also means you will feel fuller longer after a meal or a snack. Therefore, don’t avoid carbs or fats because they are ‘bad.’ Do some research (look for science-based evidence from experts) and learn what foods are the nest to provide you will the carbs and fats that you will benefit from. The gym may have a nutritionist or dietician on hand who can help you plan your meals so be sure to ask.

Lastly, find a buddy! I know this is a simple one but the accountability of having to meet someone at the gym makes it much more challenging to skip a session. Arrange to meet a friend, colleague, or neighbor (you can even introduce yourself to someone at the gym) at a specific time/day. It doesn’t mean you have to train together when you do meet (obviously, you can if you want to). The social aspect of spending time with someone can help your wellbeing too. Plenty of my clients come to me to vent as we workout together. I am happy to listen and your gym buddy may be too.

Ultimately, gym memberships will only “work” when you use them. I love the Henry Ford quote “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Get yourself to the gym and give it your all if you want to see an improvement. Ask the gym staff for help if you aren’t seeing progress you want. Keep in mind that what you eat/drink outside the gym will affect the final outcome too. Moving your body will keep you young, as well as strengthen your heart (which is a muscle) and lungs. Congratulations for putting your health first.
by Mollie Millington | Dec 10, 2023 | product review, running, travel
If I counted up all the miles I have run in the last 10 years, I would say there have been a fair few. Since moving to the United Kingdom in 2011, I have started running routinely, as well as travelling more. By combining the two, I refer to it as active travel (not to be confused with running or cycling to work). Believe it or not, Europe is so much more accessible from London rather than Michigan. My passion for running started as a way to fundraise for an American charity close to my heart. The more I ran, the farther distances I had to go to encourage more donations. My first international race was in Paris for a half marathon in 2013. I traveled alone from London and stayed with a friend’s sister (who not only I had never met, but also wasn’t there, so I actually stayed with my friend’s brother-in-law). The only other time I had been in Paris was in 2005, so it was amazing to explore the city with fresh eyes while on foot. Road races tend to take you through neighborhoods you might not otherwise see. Moving at a relatively slow pace (compared to a car) and above ground (as opposed to a subway), you see things from a different point of view. An added bonus is runners love talking about all things running which means even if you head to the start pen on your own, you will make friends shortly after arrival. This trip to Paris was a long weekend and as it was my first ‘big’ race, I was cautious drinking too much wine or eating too much cheese until after I had crossed the finish line. Now, I am quite not as cautious if the race is only a 5 or 10K.

Since 2013, I have run in 12 countries and ten states as part of my goal to run in every country and state that I visit. While I have memories from each, I have been looking for a way to commemorate these trips. Luckily, I have discovered El Camino Bracelets.* With each race, I have specific memories of the time and place, and now I also have a physical representation i can wear on my wrist. The half marathon I did in Auckland, New Zealand was seven loops in a local park with a hill, which my husband reminded me each time I passed him that I was slowing down. My first marathon was in Prague and I had a few days to wander the city on my own beforehand. As a souvenir, I bought a small red garnet (the national gem) to wear on a necklace that said ‘26.2’ (the number of miles in a marathon). The first time I went to Disney World was at the age of 36 for a half marathon with a charity entry. Charity entries start in the back due to lack of estimated finishing time and everyone ahead of me was walking due to the Dopey Challenge (four day event which starts with a 5K and ends with a marathon). It took me six miles to move ahead of the walkers and find a steady pace. I slept under the stars in the Jordanian desert while completing a 5 day ultra marathon in 2018. During the Rock-N-Roll half marathon in Dublin (which was hillier than I thought it would be), the deer in Phoenix Park ran across the course as we neared the finish line. I was too slow to get my phone out for a photo.

Hanging my race medals in the spare bedroom isn’t too inspiring when I am training or conversational when visiting friends and family. Those of you who know runners know we love to talk about running! When I learned about El Camino Bracelets*, I saw this travel-inspired accessory to be the best way of reminding myself of what I have achieved and therefore what I still am capable of. With a ‘Step’ from each country I tick off, along with the colorful Steps to categorize my race distances for ‘5k’ to ‘marathon’ to ‘250km ultra’, I can wear this bracelet day in and day out, including when I am training, as a reminder of how many memories I have made by simply running. El Camino Bracelets are made in the UK and meant to be worn while exploring. The hand polished surgical grade stainless steel holds up against salt water, sweat, and a range of temperatures. The spacers are all made from sustainably sourced woods and coconut. Typically, I don’t wear jewelry because it is too inconvenient to take it on and off daily for exercise, dishes, my ‘real job’, showering, etc. The big appeal to me was I can leave this bracelet on and only take it off after I have run somewhere new.

Even though El Camino has created categories for their Steps (animals, regions, continents, sea, oceans, etc), you can create your own code to make the jewelry meaningful to you. I wanted to use traffic lights as inspiration for my distances. You can use your creativity to find a custom Step designs too, to capture weddings, birthdays, travel with your besties, adoptaversaries of your pets, etc. You are only limited by the 29-32 character space. Adventure Steps illustrate your jewelry with small symbols. I chose the airplane and arrow adventure Steps (not the footprint because I don’t like feet), then added on the following the countries and colorful Steps: 5K (green/South America): USA; 10K (orange/Tiger step): South Africa, Portugal; half marathon (blue /Australia region): Scotland, New Zealand; marathon (red/ North American region): Czech Republic; other (purple/Baltic Sea): Jordan. I love this bracelet so much, it is listed in my 2023 gift guide and I have asked for the rest of the countries I have run in (see map above) for Christmas. Fingers crossed that Santa got my letter.

These last 10 years have had ups and down both physically and mentally. Running has played a huge part in helping me get through it all (even though it is sometimes a love-hate relationship, I always feel better after a run). My next marathon is in Tokyo in March 2024. This trip has been booked since 2020 and rescheduled twice. The last time I ran a marathon was in 2021 as a virtual race (it may be the only way I ever get a Boston Marathon medal). I am anxiously looking forward to finally running this race after several start-stops over the years. As I enter my second month of training, I am starting to recall all the tips and tricks that have worked well for me in the past (daily protein shakes, weekly osteopath appointments, early morning runs in the dark, long runs with friends). It will be my 5th World Marathon Major which leaves me with Boston, the hardest one to gain entry to. The reason I chose a double El Camino bracelet was so that one string can be for the World Marathon Majors (London, Berlin, Chicago, New York, Tokyo, and Boston) as custom Steps with the years I ran them. What a tremendous day that will be when I get that Boston small Step on my El Camino bracelet (and then never have to run a marathon ever again!).

What will be next 10 years of active travel bring? I have already set my sights on a European road trip for August 2024. If I plan it correctly, I should be able add the following steps to my bracelet: Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and/or Luxembourg. There are over 190 countries which means I have a long way to go. And probably a few bracelets (or necklaces) to fill. One thing I am thinking about is signing up for a polar race, even though I ran a 5k in Colorado on New Years Day in 2022 (in a few inches of snow!). And I want to SUP around the island of Jersey. My plan is to keep putting one foot in front of the other while spending as much time outside and exploring. While I am back home training, I will have a constant reminder of just how far I have come.

How do you keep memories from your travels? Do you print a photo book? Keep your airplane tickets? Buy a magnet? Get a tattoo? Let me know in the comments below.
*El Camino bracelets gifted me this bracelet and steps. All opinions are honest and my own.
by Mollie Millington | Nov 24, 2023 | gift guide, outdoors, product review, travel
Are you looking for the perfect gift to give the travel and outdoor enthusiast in your life? Whether they love hiking, camping, running, or exploring, we have a variety of gifts at different price points to help you tick their name off of your nice list. For this Black Friday blog post, I have tried to feature British small businesses, as well as those with a sustainability-focus. Remember that you vote with your GBP (or dollars) so be mindful when shopping. Support small businesses, knowing your purchase will directly help someone and their family. Below, you will find gadgets, ways to relax, cozy apparel, travel accessories, and supplements in this gift guide, we have something for everyone! If you’re looking for the perfect gift for your loved one who loves to travel and be outdoors, keeping reading. You will also spot a discount code to Deakin & Blue.

Body Lite Gear’s Night Vision LED Belt is perfect for those who like to walk or run no matter what time of day (including dog walks!). It features a small amount of storage, so you can pack your keys or fuel. Only 90 grams of weight so you will barely notice it when you wear it.

Lumi Mini is a must if you are missing natural sunshine during the winter months. I have a large seasonal affect disorder (SAD) lamp and it takes up a lot of space when I am using it and when I am storing it in the summer. Using the Mini will help boost your mood, alertness, and daytime energy by emitting 10,000 lux at a distance of 12 cm. Have it shining when you eat your breakfast or while reading a book to make the winter months more bearable.

El Camino bracelet* is something I am super excited about. My bracelet is waiting for me back in the UK. I am telling my ‘running in every country’ story with large and small steps on my El Camino bracelet. You can also customize the steps to commemorate adventures and achievements that you are proud of. The bracelets are designed to be durable, which means I don’t have to take mine off to run, swim or work. Each one is unique to the wearer and I cannot wait to show you mine (so far!).

Your Family Travel Wallet is a PU leather wallet comes that comes in both teal and tan Colours. It can hold everyone’s passports (up to 7) and other important travel documents, such as plane tickets. The handy wrist strap will ensure you don’t drop or loose it as you make your way from check in to security to the gate.

D-Robe roll up rucksack is 35 liters of storage (including a laptop sleeve). The material is durable, waterproof, recyclable and biodegradable TPU, which means the bag can take a beating and still keep your gear dry. The thing that I think makes it unique is the air valve to compress the bag down (and make it fit in the overhead bin!). Internal storage pockets also make it easy to stay organized while traveling.

Amazing Jame thermal half zip is thermal lined, making it versatile for both autumn and winter depending on whether you want to layer it. The fabric is sweat-wicking and stretched four ways while compressing. There are thumb holes, hidden pockets, and a shaped hem for a flattering hem. Did I mention it is named after Mary Earps?

D-Robe Beaufort Outdoor Robe is something you will never want to take off. I wear my outdoor robe at home while on the couch instead of turning up the heat. I take it camping to stay warm around the campfire, during an early morning dog walk and if the temperatures dip overnight. If you like being warm, dry, and/or cosy, this jacket should be at the top of your list.

Deakin & Blue long sleeve swim suit comes in three styles: Hendricks (shown here), Monroe, and Hepburn. Covering your arms may help keep you a bit warmer and reduce risk of sunburn (still wear sunscreen, ok?). There is built in bust support and a back zip to make it easier to put on and take off. If you are an open water swimmer, why not grab a 2litre dry bag too (in pink or blue) to store your wet stuff after your dip? Deakin & Blue have kindly given my readers a special 10% discount off full price items using the code MOLLIEPT. Enjoy!

EcoSki is a platform that allows you to rent, buy, or repair outdoor clothes. What a fantastic way to be sustainable as you hit the slopes this winter. EcoSki makes an effort to feature sustainable brands and sells pre-loved kit too. Another selling point for me is the size inclusivity. The site offers skiwear sized from XXXS to 4XL for women and from XS to 4XL for men. The platform is also stocking a range of kit for skiers and snowboarders who prefer a longer or shorter cut in the leg or arm. So if you struggle to find outdoor gear that fits your body, definitely have a look. The Halti Planker Jacket and pants are what you see here.
1000 Mile’s fusion double layer socks are always the perfect stocking stuffer. This padded sock offers reduced friction and blister protection, making it perfect for long hikes or runs. I personally love how the design protects the Achilles, which is something I definitely need. The ventilation zones helps to keep the foot cool meaning you can stay out all day without issue.

Amazing Jane tie dye pajamas are a great option when taking a day or two to recharge at home. Designed and manufactured in the England but a female owned business, you can wear in bed or as loungewear. The relaxed fit with a brushed fabric make these both comfy and cosy.

Earth’s Secret sleep mask* will help you block out light when sleeping at home or when traveling. I have been using it at my mom’s and will be trying it on my overnight flight home. The eyes are cupped so you don’t need to worry about your eyelashes as you sleep. The fabric is breathable and you can adjust the band, as well as cup placement.

The Munros: The complete collection of maps from HARVEY maps looks great on your coffee table and can help you plan your next Scottish adventure. For those who don’t know, a Munro is a hill over 3000 feet. Not only can you use the book as inspiration, but you can also use it to capture memories for the hills you have climbed.

Osavi joint and bones collagen* has been my favorite collagen product to try this year (and one of these days, I will tell you about them all). The powder is taste-free so I add it to my juice, yogurt, porridge, whatever I am having for breakfast. The bioactive collagen peptides have helped relieve me of my mystery shoulder pain that I have attributed to perimenopause. My hair quality has also improved (according to my hair dresser). I have also tried tendons and ligaments and am currently making my way through hair and nails (which I won as a prize).

Planthaya Lion’s Mane* I have been taking on and off all year. These 1000mg capsules help improve cognitive function (something I have been struggling with is brain fog) as well as promoting a calm and relaxed mood. I am hoping to be diligent with these for the rest of the year to help me cut back on caffeine consumption. It is time I kicked that habit!
I have written several gift guides over the years and know that there are plenty of other things out there that my readers would like. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please leave a comment below and let me know. Or come back after Christmas and let me know what Santa brought you.
* Item was kindly gifted to me as a PR sample. All opinions are honest and my own.
by Mollie Millington | May 23, 2023 | beauty, health, product review
My friends from Boston University came for a visit in March. It was years ago the three of us were together and we packed a lot into a weeklong visit. Now that we are all in our 40’s, there were many discussions about skin care, body aches and pains, and perimenopause (we sure know how to rock and roll!). We also discussed vitamins and supplements we take now that we are older (top tip: don’t get old). Eryn swore by collagen, which she has been taking since November. She saw her finger nails become stronger and experienced less aches and pains.
I decided to see what all the fuss was about for collagen. Like many supplements, most brands state that it takes 30 days+ to see an difference. This makes a lot of sense in terms of hair and nail growth. It also seems to be very much a trending supplement, much like menopause products which are also gaining momentum. The Global Collagen Report started that the collagen market is worth $9.1 billion in 2022 (which is approximately £7 billion), making it quite lucrative.
What do the professionals think about collagen supplements? Dr. Hana Patel, GP specialist in womens and mental health and GP Expert Witness, told me the NHS does not recommend patients take collagen as there isn’t enough evidence to support its effectiveness. Dr. Patel went on to say that are many studies, however, that show that taking up to 10 grams a day, may help with skin health, joint health, bone density and muscle mass.
How to choose a collagen supplement
I know I was overwhelmed with choice as I started to look into it. Eryn takes Beyond Collagen Multi Collagen for Women (which Oprah also recommends) which is a powder but I could not find it in the UK. Dr. Patel shared that although collagen can be absorbed in all forms, studies show that more is absorbed per gram in the powder form, as there are not other additional substances added to it. You may want to take this into account when choosing a collagen product. Other factors to consider are ease of administration (do you want to be able to swallow a pill or make a drink) and if what kind of collagen you want. For example, Type I collagen typically is move from bovine (cow) or porcine (pig) or even bones. It can be found in your body in skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Type II collagen can also be found in the body in your cartilage, bones, and connective tissue. Type II collagen often is made from chickens. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Holland and Barret have an informative summary over on their site if you would like to learn more.
So I put some feelers out on Twitter to see what people would recommend. A few people responded with Arbonne Skin Elixir Collagen Booster. I already have an Arbonne consultant and she takes it too. As it is vegan, it doesn’t contain any collagen but instead encourages your body to make more.

Stacey, founder of Planthaya, contacted me to try out her Glow Natural Collagen Support, which is also vegan. Its three key ingredients help promote your body’s natural production of collagen, which will improve skin elasticity. The instructions recommend taking on an empty stomach for best results.

Osavi is a brand I had not heard of before and are health, nutrition, and food supplements company who focus on creating supplements which are high quality and pure. They just launched two different collagen formulas, one for tendons and ligaments* and another for joints and bones*. These products use collagen peptides (the collagen protein has been hydrolysed). Osavi also shared with me that their Tendons & Ligaments collagen is formulated using patented TENDOFORTE® bovine[i] bioactive collagen peptides, made by world-leading producer Gelita[ii], which are optimised to stimulate the production of collagen in the body. TENDOFORTE stimulates the biosynthesis of new extracellular matrix molecules, reducing the risk of injuries and rupture of ligaments and tendons. TENDOFORTE® is clinically proven to increase tendon strength and flexibility, reduce the risk of injury and result in a faster return to training. I was impressed by the clinical trial results they shared with me that highlighted the effectiveness of TENDOFORTE®. I have high hopes for this one because as a runner, I am always getting injured!

Lastly, I went to MyProtein to see what they had to offer because they always have sales and who isn’t trying to save money these days? I bought their collagen capsules and also was intrigued by their collagen gummies so I bought both (on sale).

Whenever I try a product for review, I make sure to test it for a while before passing judgement and my opinions on to you. With collagen, it is a bit tricky because I wasn’t expecting to see any effects within the first 30 days. I decided to start with Arbonne Skin Elixir because I bought it and it came with a 30 day guarantee. It was one of the few products I was testing that had a flavor, acai, which is very mild. I have the Skin Elixir with my breakfast and had initially had trouble getting it to dissolve in about 400 ml of water. It is easier if you add the sachet to the glass, THEN the water. Who knew? Having an extra glass of water to start my day helped wake me up a bit. It has now been 30 days and unfortunately, I have not noticed any difference. This is to be expected, however, and if I didn’t have so many other products to try, I would stick with it for another month. Arbonne have me a second box as a free gift with my order, so I am saving it for the end of all this product testing. If you would like to try it, you can use the code ARBONNE10 for 10% off your purchase.
This week, I started taking both Osavi products which will give me the recommended 10g a day, per Dr. Patel. I was told I can take a serving of each type every day. This morning, I added one to my porridge and this evening, I added the other to my coconut yogurt. It truly does not have a taste and I didn’t notice any changes in the food texture either. So far, that is a good start!
How do they compare?
Below is a chart I made to summarize the major differences between all the products I will be testing (please note the pricing is from April 2023 and may have changed since publication). Dr. Patel shared that although there are no specific trials to support added ingredients in collagen supplements, in the body, lysine and vitamin C work together with collagen to help keep connective tissue and joints strong and healthy. Therefore, they might be something to look for on the label. You will have to keep checking back to this post to see how the other products compare as I try each one for 30 days.

Finally, Dr. Patel said that collagen can be absorbed in all forms, but studies show that more is absorbed per gram in the powder form, as there are not other additional substances added to it. There seems to be a variety of ingredients in the products I am trying, as you can see above. The convenience of a capsule or gummy appeals to me, but if something works there is no reason not to be able to stick with it. Dissolving a powder into a glass of water doesn’t take too much time.
What are you thoughts on collagen supplements? How long did it take you to see a noticeable result? Which form do you prefer (powder, capsule, other)? Leave a comment below and let me know.
*Thanks to Planthaya and Osavi for the complimentary samples. All opinion are honest and my own.
[i] Osavi’s Bovine collagens are clinically tested collagen peptides that target specific needs, which are kosher, and halal certified.
[ii] TENDOFORTE® is made by Gelita. Gelita is a German producer that is the world’s leading supplier of collagen proteins for the food, medical and pharmaceutical industries. The brand works in the market since 1875, currently having factories on five continents, more than 20 plants production and 2.8 thousand employees all over the world.
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