Quickie Workout #41

Quickie Workout #41

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

If your back hurts or come off the ground for leg lift exercises, modify exercise by lowering legs 45 degrees instead of 90.

Warm up- 30 jumping jacks/star jumps, 30 squats, 1 min mountain climbers
1 min- Leg lifts- up, down, legs apart and back together. Repeat. Feet do not touch floor.
1 min- Reverse curl- lift hips off ground and slowly lower back down
1 min- Toe touches- reach for toes by lifting shoulder blades off of the ground
1 min- Roll back and reach
1 min- Plank- keep shoulders over the elbows
1 min- Push/press ups- on knees or toes to give the tummy a rest
1 min- Swimmies- always balance muscle groups when training. Lay on stomach with arms extended. Lift arms and legs off floor and ‘kick’ arms and legs as if swimming. Hold for 5 counts. Release and repeat.
1 min- Downward dog knee thrust- Start in downward dog position. As you exhale, bring body forward into a press up position (shoulders over hands). At the same time bring knee to opposite elbow. Return to downward dog. Repeat with other leg.
30 sec- Left side plank- feet can either be on top of one another or one in front and the other behind. You can be on forearm or palm. Don’t let hips sag.
30 sec- Right side plank
1 min- Boat pose- Scoop out torso and sit on tailbone. Have feet in table top and arms extended straight out pointing towards toes. Keep arms stiff and strong and pulse up and down as you exhale.

Let me know if you would like a video demonstrating these moves.  🙂

Quickie Workout #40

Quickie Workout #40

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.

Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warming up is very important, especially in colder temperatures. Do not skip this step! At the other end of the workout, remember to spend 5 minutes stretching out. Hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds. Do not bounce.

Today’s workout uses a small Pilates ball. A football/soccer ball might work or a pillow. They are not that expensive and very versatile in your training. If you would like invest in one, have a look here.

Warm up- 3 min jog then 30 star jumps/jumping jacks
1 min- Standing twist abs – lower into a squat. Squeeze ball with hands but keep elbows out, holding ball away from chest.  Rotate left and right while keeping hips facing forward.
1 min- Hip raises with ball between your knees.
1 min- Plank position with ball under one foot. Roll ball in and out by bringing knee to chest then straightening leg again for 30 sec before switching legs.
1 min- Tricep extension holding ball in both hands.
1 min- Walking lunges – Use two hands to hold ball straight out in front of you if you can.
1 min- Press up on railing, counter, wall or on the ground
1 min each leg- One legged squat keeping ‘resting’ leg heel on the ball with leg straight.
1 min- Leg lifts with ball between your feet
1 min- Boat pose holding ball between your feet
1 min- Supermans
1 min each leg- Hip abduction with ball. Hold on to a chair or stable table/counter.
1 min- Russian twists with ball in hands

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Quickie Workout #39

Quickie Workout #39

Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warming up is very important, especially in colder temperatures. Do not skip this step! At the other end of the workout, remember to spend 5 minutes stretching out. Hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds. Do not bounce.

Warm up- 2 min- walking up and down steps, 1 min- place hands on bum and running in place with heels touching hands, 1 min- run in place with high knees
40 reps- Jumping jacks/star jumps
40 reps- Lunges (each leg)
40 sec- Wall sit
40 reps- Push/press up against wall, counter or on the ground
40 reps- Leg lifts
40 reps- Crab dip (for triceps) (women can do this too!)
40 sec- Side plank (each side)
40 sec- Mountain climbers (men can do this too!)
40 reps- Step out squats – stand with feet together, take a step out to the right and squat. Return to center. Repeat on left side.

Quickie Workout #38

Quickie Workout #38

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warming up is very important, especially as the temperatures get colder. Do not skip warm ups.  At the other end of the workout, remember to spend five minutes stretching out.

Warm up– 1 min walk in place, 1 min squats, 1 min jumping jacks/star jumps
1 min– Plyometric lunges- Stand in a forward lunge position. Lunge by dropping back knee almost to the ground, then jump up and switch the position of your feet.
1 min– Hold a bottle of water or can of soup in each hand. Stand with arms up out to side (forming a letter T). Hold arms there!
1 min– Wall sit
1 min– Push/press up on knees or toes
1 min– Forearm plank (to make more challenging hop feet out and back to centre)
1 min– Boat pose
1 min– Bicycle crunch- Take these nice and slow to feel the burn.
1 min– Sit on knees. Raise bum about an inch above bum. Rotate hips in small circle for 30 sec then change direction. You should feel this in your thighs.
1 min– Squat by bringing bum down to touch a chair but do not sit down (this helps you develop a full range of motion).  Squeeze bum on the way up.  Repeat.
1 min– Stand in doorway and press hands against each side of frame. Hold it there.
1 min– Bent over row with water or cans in your hands

My first time- Prague marathon

My first time- Prague marathon

Never in my life did I think I would run a marathon. I have too many runner injuries and never have been very fast. Turns out to run a marathon, you need to run slow! But after completing many 1/2 marathons (which I never thought I would do either), I took the plunge in 2015 and signed up for the Volkswagon Prague marathon. Just one week after the London marathon, I knew I could train with my friends who were taking part in London that year.  It was a fab idea as long runs can be daunting before you head out and then a bit lonely as you plod along. My mental game has never been strong so I knew I would find strength in numbers.

One of my goals is to run in every country and every state, so when I was looking through old posts to schedule my #traveltuesday series, I was shocked to find my review of the 2015 Prague Marathon in my drafts.  Typically held in the spring, it was reschedule for mid-October 2020 due to the pandemic.  Sadly, as I finished up this post, I saw the event was cancelled altogether like so many other races this year.  Prague is a wonderful city and a fun race, so I highly recommend to give is a try in the future if you can.  Please note, some of the info below may be outdated now so please refer to the official race website for the latest information.

Registration process & fees: In 2015, it was a simple online registration without a ballot process in place. They also offered an insurance fee for 10% of registration cost in case of injury close to the race, so that you could withdraw and get your money back. Race bibs could only be picked up at the race expo rather than having them posted to you.

Location: Prague, Czech Republic. The course takes you through many of the historical bits of town. The start area was centrally located too which was very convenient. The race expo at the time was a little bit farther out and accessible by tram.  However, the public transport in Prague was easy to use once you learn how to buy the tickets and how to read the tram schedule.

Course & bogs: The course wound around the river and through many different areas of Prague. It even went right next door to my friend’s apartment building, which meant she just had to roll out of bed to cheer me on (thank you, Marty!). There were refreshment stations with sponges and loos every 5k. The rubbish at the water stations meant you had to walk through each one, but I was ok with that. One of the risks of running in older cities is various surfaces to run on.  Prague didn’t have too many cobblestone patches on the route but there were lots of tram tracks to work around.

Atmosphere: Unfortunately, London set my expectations really high in terms of enthusiasm from the local residents. But Prague hadn’t got the memo yet. I think most of the people watching had come with runners so there were some signs and fans. I had my name out on my shirt but only my friend (who knows my name) and one other person said it. Maybe people didn’t know how to say it? It would have been nice though to have that kind of boost along the way.  In later races, when I wore the same shirt with my name, I definitely heard my name called more often.

Bling & goody bags: The race medal was a pizza slice-shape because if you took part in all seven Run Czech events in one year, it fits together to make a giant medal. If I lived closer, I would be all over that!  After all, it is all about the bling!

Tips if you decide to take part next time: I found Czech to be a very challenging language.  Try to master “hello” and “thank you” before going. Bring your sunglasses and sunscreen if your race is in the spring as it was a lovely weather and a nice change from London.  There are lots of sights to see (the big clock, the castle, etc) and it is a fairly easy city to walk around.  Schedule a few days after the race for sightseeing.  The race could also be a great city break for a quick weekend away.

When people ask me which marathon was my favourite, I always say Prague.  To commemorate the race, I researched gems that Prague was known for.  My friend helped me (as I needed a translator) purchase a small garnet (the official stone of Czech Republic) and had a necklace engraved with the date of the race, my finishing time, “Praha” and 26.2.  It will always hold a special place in my heart.  However, I think I need to go back as I cannot find any of my sightseeing photos.  Hopefully, I can make it back in 2021.