by Mollie Millington | Aug 2, 2020 | exercise, quickie
You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Of course, don’t forget to breathe!
Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (
Warm Up– Jog, run, or climb up and down stairs for 5 minutes or until you break out into a light sweat.
1 min- Hold a low squat with a slight pulse
1 min– Push/Press ups against wall, on your knees, or regular
1 min– Supermans- lay on your tummy, lift all 4 limbs a little bit off the ground to work your lower back
1 min- Toe touch crunches
1 min– Walking lunges
1 min– Hold a low squat with a slight pulse and alternate lifting one heel with each pulse
1 min– Burpees
1 min– Jumping jacks/star jumps
1 min– Wall sit
Take some time to stretch after this workout, especially your quads! Great job.
by Mollie Millington | Jul 31, 2020 | community
How many online groups do you have for support? There are several on Facebook I check in with regularly, most of which are about running and exercise. For many years, I have found help and support in the Run Mummy Run group (RMR). Founded by Leanne Davies in 2012, the group now boasts nearly 65,000 members. All women are welcomed, whether or not you have kids. Of course, running leads to topic about health, fitness, fueling, body aches, shoes and more. In order to keep the RMR Facebook group more running-focused, this year a new sister group was formed.
Let me introduce you to The Healthier Track (THT), a community for women looking to stay healthy and happy. The group covers a wide range of subjects surrounding female health. The main six lanes of health are:
- Women’s health
- Nutrition and healthy eating
- Sleep and relaxation
- Exercise and fitness
- Healthy experiences and entertainment
- Kit and equipment

The Healthier Track is not only a forum for conversation, they also have a range of experts on board to offer their own advice and help on specific topics. I am excited to say that I am one of those experts! I can’t wait to help the members of THT use exercise and movement to take them on a journey to health and happiness. Carole Gengler was the first expert announced to be a part of THT. She is a nutritional therapist and I think we will make a good team in THT group. If you join THT, you will find new, regular content to support you, including blogs, weekly discussion topics and Q and A sessions. There is a wealth of knowledge right there for you at your fingertips to enjoy and benefit from.

The thing I like most about THT is that we are there to help members “stay on track and be your healthiest, happiest self”. Talk about being in alignment with my ethos! I have known Leanne for years, and recently spoke to THT co-founder, Rebecca Richardson. These ladies are passionate about helping their communities and keeping these groups free for their members. As an added benefit, THT members will receive a discount on my services (and Carole’s), so please join today. 🙂 Although based in the UK, both RMR and THT welcome members from around the world.

Big thanks to Leanne and Becs for believing in me and the holistic coaching approach I take when working with my clients. I cannot wait to offer advice on everything fitness, wellness, and self-care related (and if I ever get my assessments submitted, nutrition too!). Inspiring others women to be active and healthy can be so rewarding when I see new challenges achieved. I love what I do, and I hope that comes through trackside.
Please join us over on Facebook for The Healthier Track. Tag me and say hello in your first post.
by Mollie Millington | Jul 27, 2020 | running
Why, hello there! Sorry July has been so quiet here on the blog. I am no longer working from home, so am loosing about two hours a day with commuting. It is nice to be reunited with my colleagues, but the early starts, additional time on the bike, and having to think all day are quite tiring. And of course, Maple still likes waking up at 4:30am, about 45 minutes before my alarm goes off. We are working it all out though with the solution usually being an afternoon nap.

We were away for two weekends- one in Bristol to visit in-laws and another in Suffolk for a Field Studies Council (FSC) hostel stay^. It was nice to spend time outdoors with Maple and James, plus we had some time on the water with my SUP board too. Although it is stressful to pack everything up and travel, both trips were quite relaxing. I even got nine hours of sleep in Suffolk (but that was because we left Maple at home with a friend). If you follow me on Strava, you can see a few of the walking routes we took and what waters we paddled down.

Last week, I started week one of a 16 week marathon training plan for Athens marathon*. So much can change between now and then, in terms of travel, quarantine practices, and pandemic infection rates. I need a race in the diary to get me off the couch and it is working! Last week was four runs, two physio sessions, a swim, and bike commutes. It is hard to balance the training, sleep and a limit of 24 hours in a day but I have decided to take the Tube a few days a week to keep my energy levels in check and rest from my training plan. The build up is slow and after one week, I am so happy to say that so far, my ankles and feet are feeling good. This is due to the advice and training program that the team at Function360 have given me this year to strengthen and stabilise my body (#gifted sessions. Get 15% off their services using code F360MM15). I just need to develop discipline to keep with it.

I have a few posts coming up for you soon:
- big announcement on Friday (come back to see)
- a reviews of a Covid-19 home antibody test
- new runner, Matt, tells his story for a big running challenge he did
- Suffolk weekend away with FSC
Thanks for your patience as I catch up with things. You can always follow me on Instagram to keep track of what I am up to in real time. If there is anything in particular you would like to know (training tips, recipes, travel stories), leave a comment below and I will schedule it in. Have a great week!
^Complimentary stay gifted by Field Studies Council. Blog post review coming soon.
*Entry to Athens Marathon was gifted by organisers. Thank you!
by Mollie Millington | Jul 26, 2020 | exercise, quickie
You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.
Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (
Warm up– Skip rope for 1 minute, skip across a field and back for 1 minute, skip rope for 1 minute
30 sec– Lay down on your right side so bottom arm is extended and head is down on the arm. Lift the top (left) leg up as far as it will comfortably go (up to 90 degrees). Keep leg straight.
30 sec– Bend left leg so left foot is on ground in front of right knee. Lift right leg up as far as is comfortable to you. Keep leg straight.
30 sec each– Repeat two previous exercises but on other side.
1 min– Forearm plank
30 sec– Push/press ups in a “normal” positions on your toes (not on your knees if possible. At least give it a try!)
1 min– Standing squats (try to get low, stick out bum and keep your weight in your heels)
1 min– Prisoner squats (keep hands on head to engage abs though this exercise)
1 min– Calf raises, preferably on a low-step to allow for a large range of motion. Hold on to the railing!
1 min– Bicep curls (you can use books, cans of soup, water bottles, etc if you don’t have weights)
1 min– Lateral raise by raising arms to side to form a “T” shape with your arms at shoulder height.
Amazing job! Can you do it again?
by Mollie Millington | Jul 19, 2020 | exercise, quickie
You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.
Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (
Warm up– Walk up and down stairs for 3 minutes
1 min– Around the world lunges (Right forward lunge, left forward lunge, left side squat, left back lunge, right back lunge, right side squat, Repeat)
1 min– Jumping jacks/star jumps
1 min– Squats (aim to get thighs parallel to the ground)
1 min– Jumping jacks/star jumps
30 sec– Stand in a door way and press arms out to side against door frame
1 min– Skip across the lawn, down the hall, or with a rope
30 sec– Stand in a door way and press arms out to side against door frame
1 min– Run in place with high knees
1 min– Tricep dips with a sturdy chair, stool, or step
1 min– Crab walk across the lawn or down the hall.
Nice work! Remember to hydrate after the workout.
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