Can I exercise with hair extensions?

Can I exercise with hair extensions?

Ever since a friend’s wedding in 2017, I have wanted hair extensions.  While I am not a true tom boy, I am not very girly.  For example, rarely do I wear make up.  If I do, it is just mascara, eye liner and lip gloss.  My outfit choice is usually jeans and a t-shirt (or running gear).  Coveting hair extensions seemed very odd given my normal aesthetic.  I don’t style my hair and usually it is in a pony tail due to my warm working conditions.  But my friend looked so beautiful on her wedding day, with thick flawless blonde hair, I wanted to look beautiful too.

It took me a few years and a year of saving my money (thanks to the pandemic) to gather my courage and invest in extensions.  I went to Vixen and Blush, where my friend had her extensions done.  They offer a free 30 minute consultation to discuss the various application processes, which combination of length and volume would best suit, and how to maintain the hair.  Aside from the price, the maintenance was what I was most worried about.  How often would I have to wash my hair?  Could I wear a ponytail?  Could I go swimming? Would I be really hot with all the extra hair?  These were all the things I was unsure of and would factor into my decision.  The team at Vixen and Blush patiently answered all these questions and even gave me a few test extensions so I could see how it would look and feel before committing.  This was also reassuring as I have an allergy to some chemicals (none are used in micro rings) and assured me there wouldn’t be a reaction.  They have been great with questions while my extensions are in too.  I ended up with micro ring extensions that should last two to three months if I took care of them properly.  These types of extensions can also be re-used, which was another key selling point for me.  I didn’t want to be wasteful as this is actual human hair and the service price is reduced if you are re-using hair.

This post is to help those who are extension-curious and sporty, like me.  The advice I offer below will be based on what Vixen and Blush suggest, along with my own experiences.  Please be sure to follow the advice your stylist gives if you decide to invest in extensions as not all extension hair and application methods the same.


Aside from the initial fitting and purchase of the 18″ 3/4 head natural hair extensions (over £700 but no need to tip in the UK), I also had to buy a Tangle Teaser brush (£20), silk scrunchies and headbands (~£30), a shower cap (£5), a flat iron for beachy waves (£30, never used it) and very fancy shampoo (£30 per bottle because my hair is oily).  Vixen and Blush charge £50 to remove the extensions, which you are credited with if you come back within seven days to have them refit.  Refitting costs approximately half the price of the initial fitting.  I figured if I am spending that much money to have the extensions fit in, I want to ensure I am taking care of them properly.

Hair extension maintenance

Vixen and Blush emphasize that you should always blow dry your hair when you have extensions in.  This is because wet hair will stretch and possibly cause the rings to move.  I rebelled a few times this summer because it was just too hot in my flat to blow dry my hair.  They did say if you were at the beach on holiday, you could rinse your hair with fresh water and let it air dry once in a while (not in a plait or under a hat).  Last summer, I was marathon training while I had my extensions in so it made it challenging to follow their next tip: don’t let your hair get oily.  I used a lot of dry shampoo and didn’t dry my hair often workouts, which lead to some matting at my roots by the end of the 12 weeks.  When you have extensions, you should sleep with your hair in a braid/plait to avoid pulling on hair. Alongside this, only low ponytails and hairstyles are allowed (no top knots).  Finally, comb or brush your hair from the bottom up, while holding on to a bunch of your hair.  Your comb will not get very far with the extensions in.  One good tug will be enough of a reminder to stop you from doing it again.  I have also accidently removed a single extension now and again because I was blow drying my hair and brushing it out without holding on.  (I saved it for reuse at a later date).


Can I run or swim with hair extensions?

Yes, you absolutely can!  I found running to be a little bit hotter with my extensions in and ponytail on my neck rather than up high.  I needed to plan my workouts a bit more around when I would be washing my hair and be able to blow dry it.  Having more hair made it a bit trickier to fit it all under my swim cap, but I was able to do it in the end without my googles leaking.

Are they comfortable?

At first, they feel heavy and as if they are pulling on your scalp.  But this only lasted a few days.  They didn’t bother me when I slept either.

Are they worth it?

All in all, I am very happy I got them.  Earlier this summer, I had them put in for a third round before I went to France on holiday.  I cursed them a few mornings when I had to blow dry them rather than sleep in, but they made me feel a wee bit prettier and were fun to toss over my shoulder.  (I also now know that women who have long luscious locks probably have hair extensions too and are not just naturally beautiful.)  Top tip for those who are low maintenance like me: sleep with your hair in a plait and you will have wavy hair the next day.  No need for a curling iron!

If you have any other questions about exercise and hair extensions, please leave a comment below or speak to your hair stylist.  I am by no means an expert and followed the advice of the team at Vixen and Blush.


Quickie Workout #126 plus a challenge to keep you going

Quickie Workout #126 plus a challenge to keep you going

August is here, can you believe it? Hopefully you are keeping up with my weekly quicky workouts. If not, I have an easy way for you to stay on track. Eventually there will be 175 quickie workouts here on The ultimate challenge is for you to complete them all. Each only takes 10-15 minutes. You can mix and match them to give you a workout to fill up whatever spare time you have (for example, 3 workouts = 45 minutes). Hope you are up for the challenge! Tweet #quickiechallenge and keep me posted on your progress.

Surely you have time for a quickie! 😉 Here is a check sheet to keep track of which workouts you complete.

As usual, remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (

Warm up: 1 min skipping, 1 min walking lunges, 1 min skipping
1 min: Low pulsing squat- feel the burn!
1 min: Push/Press ups against the wall
1 min: Wall sit
1 min: Push/Press ups on the ground (try on your toes first, then drop to knees if you have to)
1 min: Leg lifts
1 min: Supermans
1 min: Plank
1 min: Tricep dips
1 min: Toe touches
1 min: Squat thrusts
1 min: Bicep curls with light weights or tins of soup
1 min: Small arm circles, 30 sec each direction


Quickie Workout #125: Tabata Time

Quickie Workout #125: Tabata Time

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (

You will need to download a HIIT (high intensity interval timer) for today’s workout. Set it for 20 seconds activity with 10 seconds rest x 8 rounds. Each exercise lasts 4 minutes. In between each exercise you have 1 minute to recover. Good luck!

Warm up: hop-hop-squat

#1: 180 degree jump and squat

#2: Russian twists

#3: Squat with overhead press

#4: Alternate crunches with Supermans

Quickie Workout #124

Quickie Workout #124

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (

Warm up- 1 min- Hop-hop squat; 1 min- Skipping; 30 sec each direction- Grapevines
1 min- Push/Press ups
1 min- Hip raises
1 min- Burpees
1 min- Alternating reverse lunges
1 min- Overhead/Shoulder press
1 min- Jumping jacks/Star jumps
1 min- Arms out straight in front and quickly switch right and left hands on top. Hold a light weight to make it harder
1 min- Bring hands behind your back. Keep arms straight and keep palms facing up. Pulse thumbs together to exercise the back muscles. If you don’t feel anything, lift the arms up
1 min- Around the World lunges
1 min- Stand in a doorway, press arms out to the side against the frame, trying to widen the frame with your hands. Keep pressing for the entire minute
30 sec each side- Teapot abdominal exercise
1 min- Reverse curls

Quickie Workout #123

Quickie Workout #123

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me. Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (

Warm up- 3min- brisk walk, jog or run
1 min each leg- 1 legged squat
1 min- Jumping jacks/Star jumps
1 min- Prisoner squats
1 min- Crab tricep dips
1 min- Crab walk
30 sec each side- Side plank
1 min each side- Clams
1 min- Bicycle ab exercise
30 sec each side- Fire hydrants- on hands and knees, lift one bent knee out to the side (like a dog urinating on a fire hydrant)