Sometimes I pee my pants when I run

Sometimes I pee my pants when I run

This post will quickly become TMI, so only continue reading if you dare. If words like incontinence, vagina, vibrator, fart, and poop make you uncomfortable, stop reading now.  This isn’t the typical vocabulary on my blog but I want women to know they are not alone on a few embarrassing bodily functions.  Mom- you have been warned.

When I go out for a run, my main objectives are not to pee or poop my pants (aka underwear or leggings, depending on where you are from.  Either way- it wouldn’t be pretty.).  Lots of planning goes into what I can eat in the few hours before a run.  I prefer fasted runs first thing in the morning as the risk of uncontrollable bowel movements is minimized.  With urination, it is a different story.  Usually, I leak a little when I cough due to hay fever while running.  This problem doesn’t seem to be as big an issue when a coughing fit strikes while I am on my bike.  During another episode, I was climbing over a stile on a trail race when I felt a slight release.

Black leggings are good at hiding wet patches.

I can never tell how much volume of urine actually leaves my body.  It feels like an uncontrollable rush, which is mortifying.  Questions like- “Will anyone be able to tell?” and “Does it smell?” go through my mind.  When I finally get to the loo, it is always much smaller than what I originally thought.  It just seems illogical that I have this issue.  I have never given birth, nor do I suffer from chronic urinary tract infections.  I am still on the younger side of 40, so why do I have the problem of sometimes urinating when I run?

Being a member of Run Mummy Run‘s Facebook group, I know this is a problem for many women.  On the spectrum of severity, my problem isn’t bad at all.  It doesn’t prevent me from being physically active and I don’t feel a need to wear an absorbent pad.  But what I can’t understand is why women don’t talk about it more?  As a creative problem solver, I decided to create a survey to help me gauge how much of an issue incontinence with running is and who women are turning to for help and advice.

First, I would like to thank everyone who took a few minutes out of their day to share their story with me and also those who shared my survey.  You can see we had a variety of ages represented, as well as running experience.

One hundred and eighty one women and one man completed my survey.  Only 25% of the respondents talk to someone about the problem (compared to 53% who keep it to themselves).  Of the 98 people who answered why or why not do you talk to anyone about your incontinence problem and who if you do who,  the majority said they were too embarrassed to speak about it. Another large proportion said that it wasn’t enough of a worry to bother talking to others.  Those that do talk to others rely on family (mostly moms and sisters) and their running friends to confide in.  I was surprised to see a few women didn’t’ know how to bring it up and another said it was “frowned upon” to discuss it in the spin community.

Ladies- let me tell you that you are not alone.  Half of the women who do not have kids and completely my survey have some sort of experience with incontinence while running or playing sport.  Seventy three percent of the moms who completed my survey suffer from some degree of incontinence after the kids arrived (both by vaginal birth and C-section). Yes, it is embarrassing, but know that chances are the lady next to you at Parkrun is having the same worries as you at the start line.  Besides, everyone can relate to your body doing something that you cannot control (like farting when you sneeze, or is that just me?).

For those that answered my survey, 63% felt it was a minor problem that didn’t require any protection, while 23% wear thin liners or nappies.  There where two big things that also stood out to me.  First, that this problem keeps women from being physically active (33% in my survey will “occasionally” to “all the time” miss workouts because of their concerns).  Other women purposely drink less on a run to avoid the issue.  I would really advise against this, especially with the hot weather we have been having.

The second is that of the few women who were brave enough to bring this up with their general practitioner (GP, aka doctor in USA) (although I hate to use the word brave as you should be able to talk to your GP about anything.  I acknowledge that this is a difficult topic for most though), the GP was dismissive.  In my experience with the National Health Service (NHS), the doctors are too busy and too budget-aware to address things that don’t inhibit you from going to work.  Perhaps if you have a good relationship with your doctor, they will recognize that this issue is important to you and make suggestions on how a solution can be reached.

Most women in my survey knew what kegals were and 99.8% knew what pelvic for was (maybe it was the man who didn’t).  To ensure we are all on the same page, kegels (named after the doctor who first described them) are exercises that involve tightening and releasing the pelvic floor muscles.  Both men and women can benefit from performing kegel exercises.  The pelvic floor is a group of muscles at and across the bottom of your pelvis.  It holds internal organs, such as bladder, bowel and uterus, in place.  A strong pelvic floor can help you control urination, defecation, flatulence, and sexual function.

Reading a few comments from women who took part in  my survey, it sounds like medical experts just see occasional incontinence as a fact of life after birth.  Some women said you can ask for pelvic floor physical therapy through the NHS to get help.  Over the years, women’s magazines report you can interrupt your urine stream when peeing to help strengthen your muscles “down there”.  But as a personal trainer, I can’t see how that will work as the “sets” would be fairly short. 

I have not yet given up all hope.

Recently, I was contacted by V-Sculpt to try out their pelvic floor toner and vaginal rejuvenation device.  Sold exclusively by medical professionals, it is considered an authorized medical device.  I have never used anything like this (or any “toy”) for that matter so wasn’t sure how this would go.  It uses LED light therapy, gentle heat and vibration to help tone and health the vaginal cells and muscles.  You can use it if you have an IUD (which I do) so I was good to go.

To start with, the V-Sculpt recommends six minutes a day of toning over a few weeks, building up to eight minutes and then ten minutes four times a week.  I find I need to lay down to use the V-Sculpt so will check social media or read a book while sculpting. 

Ten minutes a day sounded totally doable when I first agreed to try it out, but I am finding that it is still hard to fit it in.  I need to put a reminder in my calendar or go to bed before my husband (who thinks this whole thing is hilarious) so I can be left in peace.  Apparently, he has never felt the urge to pee or poop his pants while running and therefore cannot relate.  Some guys get all the luck.  After nine weeks of initial vaginal training, you just need to be on a maintenance plan of ten minutes one to two times per week.

I have been using the V-Sculpt once a week since I got up the nerve to charge it.  It was a bit weird to ask, but in my survey 68.2% of the women have had or still do have a vibrator.  Therefore, the V-Sculpt might not be awkward for them to try. 

There is a photogenic gel which helps the V-Sculpt work more effectively.  It is extremely runny and I welcome any advice on how not to waste it when applying to my V-Sculpt or myself.

Why did I agree to review this when I don’t usually talk about lady bits?  The V-Sculpt does have a peer-reviewed study supporting its claims.  I have nothing to loose and everything to gain from not worrying about peeing when running.  Plus I want to help other women out there find a practical solution to this very common problem.  I will be checking back as I get into a routine.  It takes about three months to see results if you use the V-Sculpt every day.  I can say my weekly sessions are not working in my favor so far but hope to better commit to my training program and post a follow up in a few weeks time with some good news. 

Here is the user guide if you want to learn more about the V-Scuplt…..

Thanks to V-Sculpt for the complimentary vaginal toner.  All opinions on the product are honest (probably way too honest) and my own.

Wellwoman routine physical with Walk-in Clinic

Wellwoman routine physical with Walk-in Clinic

There are many difference to the health care system in the USA versus the UK. While I can list the positives and negatives of each, I don’t think one is necessarily better than the other. Perhaps I am a bit jaded because I am still trying to figure out how the National Health Service (NHS) works and have had much more experience in how the US system works because I lived there for over 30 years.  I can say in both countries, I have received treatment for my ongoing skin allergies with success, have been successful in not developing another DVT (blood clot), and when I broke my toe in the UK, I didn’t have to pay one cent for treatment (aside from the taxi).  In my opinion though, the NHS doesn’t offer much preventative care, such as regular physicals or blood work once you turn a certain age.  This is probably due to the increasing demand on a system that is not staffed or funded adequately for the growing (both in sheer number and average age) population of the UK.

For those readers who do not live in the UK, when you book to see a GP (general practitioner aka your doctor) in the UK, the appointment is limited to 10-15 minutes, during which the doctor has to build rapport, listen to your concerns, perform an assessment, create a diagnosis, prescribe a treatment plan, and capture all data in the computer system required by the government.  You can only raise one concern at a time due to the short time frame.  Appointments in the USA don’t offer much more time either.  You can invest (see the word choice I used there?) in private health insurance in the UK, which offers shorter waiting times for diagnosis and treatment.  Large employers may even provide this for you as a benefit.  So far, despite all of my pre-existing conditions, I have been able to receive the care I need courtesy of the NHS.

Waiting area

Needless to say, I was really excited when the Walk-In Clinic approached me to receive a complimentary Wellwoman medical examination.  The service is with a private GP and allows for a 90 minute meeting during which there is a head-to-toe review.  The City Clinic is in central London near the base of the Gherkin.  I was welcomed by a receptionist who gave me some forms to fill out about my eating/drinking habits and medical history, which I then reviewed with my GP, Dr. Juhasz.

Can I just say how nice it was to not be rushed through an appointment?  With 90 minutes, we could chat at lesiure about anything in my paperwork that concerned her (over-committing myself was identified as a possible problem).  She took notes on my form rather than staring at a computer screen the entire time, making me feel like we had a connection on a personal level and that she was listening to what I had to say.  It was her preference to go through the paperwork first while I was still dressed and then start the physical exam later (for which I put on an exam gown due to the ECG and breast exam).

Exam room

The Wellwoman examination includes the following:

•    Lifestyle assessment
•    Overall examination including BMI calculation, height, weight, fat content, girth and chest inspiration and expiration
•    Examination of the cardiovascular system including heart sounds and blood pressure
•    Examination of the respiratory system including peak flow testing
•    Examination of the musculoskeletal system – range of movement, restriction, tenderness
•    Examination of the neurological system – reflexes, sensation, power
•    Gynaecological / breast examination
•    Resting electrocardiogram for women over 45 or where clinically indicated
•    Urinalysis for 8 elements

Along with a full blood profile which includes:

•    Haematology (blood count, platelets, red blood cells etc;  white blood cells and ESR which are inflammatory markers)
•    Liver function screen
•    Kidney function screen
•    Serum iron
•    Calcium levels
•    Full lipid profile including HDL, LDL and total cholesterol, triglycerides
•    Glucose level
•    Thyroid function screen
•    Vitamin D

There are other tests you can add on depending on your needs.  I opted to add a thyroid test and a long-term blood glucose test to see if there is a medical reason for why I am always tired (not just from over-committing) and to see if all the cookies I consume are negatively affecting my health (my co-workers think I must be pre-diabetic).  Together, Dr. Juhasz and I decided not to have an internal gynaecological examine as I am up-to-date with my pap smears.  This is available though for those who are interested.

The highlights of my results are below. Overall, I received a clean bill of health.  Dr. Juhasz explained that the BMI and percent body fat are not always the most reliable measures of health due to available testing methods that are convenient and cost-effective.  I usually explain this to my new clients so it was a bit funny being on the receiving end of this advice.

As I mentioned above, we also did an ECG, which came out as normal.  I wasn’t very good at blowing in the tube for my lung function tests (spirometry) though.

In the past, my cholesterol has been excellent.  I was curious to see if two years of eating meat after being a vegetarian for so long would have affected my results.  They are still pretty awesome.

Test                                                                 Result                                          Ideal Range

My bloodwork results were in the advisable range with the exception of Vitamin D, which was on the cusp of being low.  This is completely normal for folks living in the UK because there isn’t much sunshine.  I was advised to start taking a multi-vitamin to help top up my levels.  She is happy with the amount of exercise I do on a weekly basis and that we tend to prepare our own meals rather than eat out.

The other advice I got from Dr. Johasz was to:

  • stop putting so much pressure on myself to over-achieve
  • try to relax once in a while…..
  • ….. with my husband too
  • try the Konditor and Cook salted caramel brownies available at the bottom of the Gherkin
I am so happy I was able to attend this physical after not having had one in over six years.  It was very professional and not once did I feel pressured to hurry up.  I felt I could really relate to the GP I met with and she was able to answer my concerns (mostly about the amount of Diet Coke and cookies I eat) in a non-condescending way.  She also gave me some tips on how to look at my moles for skin cancer (ABCDE) and reviewed how to perform a breast self-exam.
When I asked how often clients have one of these thorough physicals, she said it depends on the patients’ preference.  Being located in central London, many people would find it easy to book an appointment in a lunch break for an annual check up.  Or some people might wait a year or two in between if they generally feel healthy and don’t have any concerns.  The clinic also has more specific services for sexual health, same day urgent care, travel clinic and more.
Right on!

When was the last time you had a physical at the doctor’s?  Do you think people should have one every year?

Thank you to Walk-In Clinic for this complimentary experience.  All opinions are honest and my own. 

 As a disclaimer, Dr. Juhasz doesn’t normally recommend these brownies.  I mentioned celebrating with cookies and she suggested the local bakery.  She said I could cut back a bit on the sugar and that sleeping more would help me maintain consistent energy levels.

Wellwoman routine physical with Walk-in Clinic

Wellwoman routine physical with Walk-in Clinic

There are many difference to the health care system in the USA versus the UK. While I can list the positives and negatives of each, I don’t think one is necessarily better than the other. Perhaps I am a bit jaded because I am still trying to figure out how the National Health Service (NHS) works and have had much more experience in how the US system works because I lived there for over 30 years.  I can say in both countries, I have received treatment for my ongoing skin allergies with success, have been successful in not developing another DVT (blood clot), and when I broke my toe in the UK, I didn’t have to pay one cent for treatment (aside from the taxi).  In my opinion though, the NHS doesn’t offer much preventative care, such as regular physicals or blood work once you turn a certain age.  This is probably due to the increasing demand on a system that is not staffed or funded adequately for the growing (both in sheer number and average age) population of the UK.

For those readers who do not live in the UK, when you book to see a GP (general practitioner aka your doctor) in the UK, the appointment is limited to 10-15 minutes, during which the doctor has to build rapport, listen to your concerns, perform an assessment, create a diagnosis, prescribe a treatment plan, and capture all data in the computer system required by the government.  You can only raise one concern at a time due to the short time frame.  Appointments in the USA don’t offer much more time either.  You can invest (see the word choice I used there?) in private health insurance in the UK, which offers shorter waiting times for diagnosis and treatment.  Large employers may even provide this for you as a benefit.  So far, despite all of my pre-existing conditions, I have been able to receive the care I need courtesy of the NHS.

Waiting area

Needless to say, I was really excited when the Walk-In Clinic approached me to receive a complimentary Wellwoman medical examination.  The service is with a private GP and allows for a 90 minute meeting during which there is a head-to-toe review.  The City Clinic is in central London near the base of the Gherkin.  I was welcomed by a receptionist who gave me some forms to fill out about my eating/drinking habits and medical history, which I then reviewed with my GP, Dr. Juhasz.

Can I just say how nice it was to not be rushed through an appointment?  With 90 minutes, we could chat at lesiure about anything in my paperwork that concerned her (over-committing myself was identified as a possible problem).  She took notes on my form rather than staring at a computer screen the entire time, making me feel like we had a connection on a personal level and that she was listening to what I had to say.  It was her preference to go through the paperwork first while I was still dressed and then start the physical exam later (for which I put on an exam gown due to the ECG and breast exam).

Exam room

The Wellwoman examination includes the following:

•    Lifestyle assessment
•    Overall examination including BMI calculation, height, weight, fat content, girth and chest inspiration and expiration
•    Examination of the cardiovascular system including heart sounds and blood pressure
•    Examination of the respiratory system including peak flow testing
•    Examination of the musculoskeletal system – range of movement, restriction, tenderness
•    Examination of the neurological system – reflexes, sensation, power
•    Gynaecological / breast examination
•    Resting electrocardiogram for women over 45 or where clinically indicated
•    Urinalysis for 8 elements

Along with a full blood profile which includes:

•    Haematology (blood count, platelets, red blood cells etc;  white blood cells and ESR which are inflammatory markers)
•    Liver function screen
•    Kidney function screen
•    Serum iron
•    Calcium levels
•    Full lipid profile including HDL, LDL and total cholesterol, triglycerides
•    Glucose level
•    Thyroid function screen
•    Vitamin D

There are other tests you can add on depending on your needs.  I opted to add a thyroid test and a long-term blood glucose test to see if there is a medical reason for why I am always tired (not just from over-committing) and to see if all the cookies I consume are negatively affecting my health (my co-workers think I must be pre-diabetic).  Together, Dr. Juhasz and I decided not to have an internal gynaecological examine as I am up-to-date with my pap smears.  This is available though for those who are interested.

The highlights of my results are below. Overall, I received a clean bill of health.  Dr. Juhasz explained that the BMI and percent body fat are not always the most reliable measures of health due to available testing methods that are convenient and cost-effective.  I usually explain this to my new clients so it was a bit funny being on the receiving end of this advice.

As I mentioned above, we also did an ECG, which came out as normal.  I wasn’t very good at blowing in the tube for my lung function tests (spirometry) though.

In the past, my cholesterol has been excellent.  I was curious to see if two years of eating meat after being a vegetarian for so long would have affected my results.  They are still pretty awesome.

Test                                                                 Result                                          Ideal Range

My bloodwork results were in the advisable range with the exception of Vitamin D, which was on the cusp of being low.  This is completely normal for folks living in the UK because there isn’t much sunshine.  I was advised to start taking a multi-vitamin to help top up my levels.  She is happy with the amount of exercise I do on a weekly basis and that we tend to prepare our own meals rather than eat out.

The other advice I got from Dr. Johasz was to:

  • stop putting so much pressure on myself to over-achieve
  • try to relax once in a while…..
  • ….. with my husband too
  • try the Konditor and Cook salted caramel brownies available at the bottom of the Gherkin
I am so happy I was able to attend this physical after not having had one in over six years.  It was very professional and not once did I feel pressured to hurry up.  I felt I could really relate to the GP I met with and she was able to answer my concerns (mostly about the amount of Diet Coke and cookies I eat) in a non-condescending way.  She also gave me some tips on how to look at my moles for skin cancer (ABCDE) and reviewed how to perform a breast self-exam.
When I asked how often clients have one of these thorough physicals, she said it depends on the patients’ preference.  Being located in central London, many people would find it easy to book an appointment in a lunch break for an annual check up.  Or some people might wait a year or two in between if they generally feel healthy and don’t have any concerns.  The clinic also has more specific services for sexual health, same day urgent care, travel clinic and more.
Right on!

When was the last time you had a physical at the doctor’s?  Do you think people should have one every year?

Thank you to Walk-In Clinic for this complimentary experience.  All opinions are honest and my own. 

 As a disclaimer, Dr. Juhasz doesn’t normally recommend these brownies.  I mentioned celebrating with cookies and she suggested the local bakery.  She said I could cut back a bit on the sugar and that sleeping more would help me maintain consistent energy levels.

Do you practice self care?

Do you practice self care?

My beautiful flowers from Prestige Flowers UK

In today’s digital world with nearly instantaneous results, we have a tendency to overbook and over commit.  It is a competition of how early we get up to go to the gym and how late we stay up to finish the newest episode of Orange is the New Black.  We go to every birthday party, every leaving ‘do and never miss a workout.  We never put ourselves first, which can lead us feeling tired, depressed and anxious.  I say ‘enough is enough!’  It is time to take care of yourself so that you have more to give to others.  Here are a few suggestions on how to administer self care.  Note, these are things that make me feel better by keeping things pretty, simple, and calm.

Treat yourself- Fresh flowers aren’t just for Valentine’s Day. Prestige Flowers UK sent me a gorgeous bouquet a few weeks ago.  The comments I got on Instagram were how decadent it is to have fresh flowers and others wished they had flowers too.  There is nothing stopping you from picking up a beautiful bouquet every once in a while. Having them delivered was great too! They arrived in a really sturdy box whic would be manageable to carry home on public transport.  I tend to pick flowers up on bank holiday weekends as I will be home for a few days in a row and can enjoy the flowers more than if I was at work.

Other treats that I enjoy once in a while include manicures with my mom or friends, trips to the cinema, and going out for a meal at my favourite resturant (aka Chipotle or Pizza Express).

Facial at the spa. So peaceful

Skip a workout- Bet you never thought a personal trainer would say this.  Sometimes, you just need a night off (please do not cancel less than 24 hours before your PT appointment) to refocus.  There is a worry you will fall out of your training schedule but having a night off might be just the thing you need to get your mojo back.  You body will appreciate the rest too if you tend to workout more than four times a week.

Have a lie in– I dare you not to set your alarm.  It is glorious.

Sleeping on the #fitbitfifty bus

Watch TV without multitasking– In my house, we are usually working on the laptop while the TV is on in the background (like I am now).  But is that really an effective way to create quality work or to grasp plot of the show? Set a timer to just watch your show and chill, then get back to work.

Take a nap– It is amazing what a little power nap will do.  Rest and recovery are very important when you are training, sp make sure you are getting enough of both.  In addition, if you are burning the candle at both ends, you might need to be creative with your sleep schedule.

Revisit a favourite hobby– Usually we start a hobby because we enjoy it, and possibly because we are good at it.  As we grow up, we loose the time to set aside for these fun pursuits. So pull out the sewing machine, dust off your SLR, or book a dance lesson to do something fun again.

I am learning how to make quilts (in all my spare time)

Call an old friend– Sure, Facebook is great and so are emails but there is nothing like chatting to a friend on the phone.  People seem to be so disconnected these days with text messaging and rapid fire emails.  Reconnect the old school way.

Stop comparing yourself to others and let go of FOMO-  This will drive you crazy and develop self-doubt. Be proud to be you.  You might not get the same experiences as everyone else but it is your life to lead.

What do you do to take care of yourself?  Leave a comment below and let me know.

Prestige Flowers sent me a bouquet of flowers.  All views are honest and my own.  They would be happy to deliver flowers for your Easter celebrations if you are looking to bring spring indoors.  🙂

Do you practice self care?

Do you practice self care?

My beautiful flowers from Prestige Flowers UK

In today’s digital world with nearly instantaneous results, we have a tendency to overbook and over commit.  It is a competition of how early we get up to go to the gym and how late we stay up to finish the newest episode of Orange is the New Black.  We go to every birthday party, every leaving ‘do and never miss a workout.  We never put ourselves first, which can lead us feeling tired, depressed and anxious.  I say ‘enough is enough!’  It is time to take care of yourself so that you have more to give to others.  Here are a few suggestions on how to administer self care.  Note, these are things that make me feel better by keeping things pretty, simple, and calm.

Treat yourself- Fresh flowers aren’t just for Valentine’s Day. Prestige Flowers UK sent me a gorgeous bouquet a few weeks ago.  The comments I got on Instagram were how decadent it is to have fresh flowers and others wished they had flowers too.  There is nothing stopping you from picking up a beautiful bouquet every once in a while. Having them delivered was great too! They arrived in a really sturdy box whic would be manageable to carry home on public transport.  I tend to pick flowers up on bank holiday weekends as I will be home for a few days in a row and can enjoy the flowers more than if I was at work.

Other treats that I enjoy once in a while include manicures with my mom or friends, trips to the cinema, and going out for a meal at my favourite resturant (aka Chipotle or Pizza Express).

Facial at the spa. So peaceful

Skip a workout- Bet you never thought a personal trainer would say this.  Sometimes, you just need a night off (please do not cancel less than 24 hours before your PT appointment) to refocus.  There is a worry you will fall out of your training schedule but having a night off might be just the thing you need to get your mojo back.  You body will appreciate the rest too if you tend to workout more than four times a week.

Have a lie in– I dare you not to set your alarm.  It is glorious.

Sleeping on the #fitbitfifty bus

Watch TV without multitasking– In my house, we are usually working on the laptop while the TV is on in the background (like I am now).  But is that really an effective way to create quality work or to grasp plot of the show? Set a timer to just watch your show and chill, then get back to work.

Take a nap– It is amazing what a little power nap will do.  Rest and recovery are very important when you are training, sp make sure you are getting enough of both.  In addition, if you are burning the candle at both ends, you might need to be creative with your sleep schedule.

Revisit a favourite hobby– Usually we start a hobby because we enjoy it, and possibly because we are good at it.  As we grow up, we loose the time to set aside for these fun pursuits. So pull out the sewing machine, dust off your SLR, or book a dance lesson to do something fun again.

I am learning how to make quilts (in all my spare time)

Call an old friend– Sure, Facebook is great and so are emails but there is nothing like chatting to a friend on the phone.  People seem to be so disconnected these days with text messaging and rapid fire emails.  Reconnect the old school way.

Stop comparing yourself to others and let go of FOMO-  This will drive you crazy and develop self-doubt. Be proud to be you.  You might not get the same experiences as everyone else but it is your life to lead.

What do you do to take care of yourself?  Leave a comment below and let me know.

Prestige Flowers sent me a bouquet of flowers.  All views are honest and my own.  They would be happy to deliver flowers for your Easter celebrations if you are looking to bring spring indoors.  🙂

‘Tis the season to be overcommitted

‘Tis the season to be overcommitted

Although the songs indicate it is the most wonderful time of the year, I also find it to be completely overwhelming.  Last year, I nearly called off Christmas all together when it was days before the 25th December and I hadn’t even sent out my cards yet.  This year is no better, as my work is still full-on and I am fundraising for VLM (my goal was to get most of it done before my running training started in January).  This time of year, I am also a single mom for Oldland because my husband has an annual 10 day work trip to Morocco.

What’s a person to do?  Here are my tips on surviving December:

Oldland and I on a walk
  • Learn to say no– whether it is another holiday drinks invite, friends looking for a place to stay, invitation to take part in a secret Santa, or a holiday pot luck, put your own needs first for once.  Be honest and say you are feeling overwhelmed and can’t help out right now.
  • Compromise- offer to meet for drinks at a time and place that suits you, set a limit on how many days guests can stay at your flat, or buy ready made food.
  • Spend a day in bed watching movies and eatin junk food– I hereby give you permission to do this. Once in a great while won’t kill you.
  • Walk more– if you can’t get to the gym or whatever your usual exercise of choice is, take time to enjoy a walk to slow down a bit and clear your head.
  • Sleep– for some reason, this is always the area of our lives we cut back on when we have too much to do.  Sleeping more will improve your mood, make you less hungry, and help deuce the stress hormone which increases the likelihood of abdominal fat accumulation.
Nearly sleepy time
  • Limit drinks– sure you want to get your money’s worth out of the open bar, but is it worth it the next day when you have a throbbing headache and can’t get anything done on your to-do list.  This tip has taken me many years to perfect.
  • Ask for experiences rather than stuff– less clutter can lead to calming environment.  Accumulate memories rather than dust and skip the return lines!
  • Hire help– to do housework, pay for the dry cleaner to catch u up on laundry, to assemble your new idea furnature.  Your time is valuable.  Delegate out a few menial jobs to your partner or to hired help.
  • Turn off social media– get over FOMO and live in the moment as you celebrate the holidays with family and friends.

What other suggestions do you have to avoid over-committing? How do you keep sane in December? Leave a comment below and let me know.