Quickie Workout #33

Quickie Workout #33

Today’s workout requires a pilates ring (also know as a magic ring) and a dumbbell (or gallon jug of water. Pilates rings are very versatility and easy to travel with. Be sure to seek out a dumbbell swing tutorial as risk of injury is great when done improperly. I provided a link but you might need to search out additional information.

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up- 1 min marching in place, 1 min squats, 1 min jumping jacks/star jumps,
1 min– Chest press with ring
1 min– Place ring between thighs just above the knees. Squeeze ring with inner thighs.
1 min– Hamstring curl by placing ring under bum and on back of ankle. Press heel towards bum to squeeze ring.
1 min- Tricep dip on chair
1 min– Bicep press by placing ring on shoulder and pressing wrist toward shoulder.
1 minOne legged squats on chair
1 minDumbbell swing – Snap your hips forward! For beginners, don’t worry about getting the dumbbell very high.
1 min– Reverse lunge – Lunge by stepping backwards.

Quickie Workout #32

Quickie Workout #32

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  Don’t forget to breathe! Want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging?  Email me at mollie@ptmollie.com.

Warm up– 5 min run or jog
1 min– Squats with bum just touching a bench or chair to ensure you are lowering down far enough. Do not sit though!
1 min– Holding weights, bottles or water, or bricks (something with weight) perform an overhead press. Keep weights at shoulders and then lift them above your head as you exhale. Return weights to your shoulders.
1 min– Bend slightly forward at the waist with your back flat. Have a slight bend in the knees. Keep elbows up towards the ceiling. Extend arm while holding weight for a tricep kickback.
1 min– Lunges with left foot forward and raising arm out in front of you to chest height for a frontal raise.
1 min– Lunges with right foot forward and raising arm out to the sides of you to shoulder height for a lateral raise.
30 sec– Left side plank
30 sec– Right side plank
1 min– Regular plank
1 min– Push/press ups
1 min– Inchworms
1 min– Squat and jump up at the top
1 min– Calf raises

Quickie Workout #31

Quickie Workout #31

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up- Skip rope for 1 min, jumping jacks/star jumps for 1 min, squats for 1 min
1 min- Punching bag (pretend to be rapidly hitting a punching bag just above your head using both hands. Keep those feet moving by hopping back and forth)
1 min- Stay a low squat, keep your abs tight and alternate hooks with both hands. You should feel this in your side abdominals.
1 min- Wall sit
1 min- Press ups against the wall or on the ground
1 min- Standing on left leg, raise right thigh until it is parallel to the ground. Keeping the knee still, extend leg so it is straight out in front of you and then bend your knee back to 90 degrees. Repeat for 1 min.
1 min- Repeat above with other leg.
1 min- Press ups against the wall or on the ground
1 min- Punching bag, as above
1 min- Tricep dips
1 min- Side plank
1 min- Side plank on the other side
1 min- Alternating “side” kicks (long video but good info)

Quickie Workout #30

Quickie Workout #30

This is the 30th Quickie Workout (can you believe it?). Perform all the action below for 30 repetitions in celebration.  Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity especially as this session is not by time, but by reps. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up– Walk up and down a flight of stairs for 2 minutes

Jumping jacks/Star jumps
Hop-hop, land in a squat, 4 crosses (punches) while holding low in the squat
Stationary lunge with right leg forward
Stationary lunge with left leg forward
Push/Press ups (on your knee, toes, or against a wall depending on your fitness level)
30 sec side plank
30 sec side plank on the other side
Boat pose – hold for 30 sec
Downward dog coming forward into a press up position. As you move forward, cross knee to opposite elbow.
Bicycle crunch for 30 sec
Wall sit for 30 sec
Speed skater jumps

Repeat this set 2 more times. Awesome work!

Quickie Workout #29

Quickie Workout #29

Light weights would be handy for this workout. Be creative with items you have around the house (such as bottle of water or tins of soup). You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up- Jumping jacks/Star jumps for 1 minute. Squats for 1 minute. Walking lunges 1 minute.
1 min- Wall sit
1 min- Overhead tricep extensions (behind your head)
1 min- Wall sit
1 min- Standing fly
1 min- Wall sit
1 min- Hammer curls
1 min- Wall sit
1 min- Dead lift
1 min- Wall sit

1min- Overhead press

Hope you are feeling it in your legs 🙂

Quickie Workout #28

Quickie Workout #28

Some of the exercises today require a resistance band, Pilates ring, or dumbbells. Be creative and use items from around the house (such as a bungee cord, pillow, or cans of soup). You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm Up– Skip rope for 3 minutes (you can pretend by jumping up and down if rope not available) or until you break out into a light sweat.

1 min– Step forward to lunge and lift arms in front of you from your sides to chest height as knee drops. Step back to your starting position. Repeat with other leg.

1 min– Forward looking twist- Keep hips and gaze straight forward. Hold a ball or pillow with arms straight in front of you. Twist torso left to right (keeping arms as straight as you can) but keep looking forward and hips facing forward. Envision your ribs sliding back and forth and feel your abdominals working.

1 min– Chest squeeze- Hold a Pilates ring, pillow, or ball in front of your chest. Push your hands against the ball to work your pectoral muscles.

1 min– Bicep curl- Using a resistance band under your foot, dumbbells or soup cans, keep elbows by your side and bend elbow bringing hands up. Fully extend arms and repeat.

1 min– Lateral raise- With band under your foot or weights in your hands, raise arms out to the side to create a letter ‘T.’ Bring arms down back to sides and repeat.

1 min– Push/Press up on railing, counter, wall, or regular on the ground.

1 min– Calf raises- Stand with balls of feet on the edge of a low step. Lift yourself up to be on your toes and then lower down so heels hang off of step. This can be done on the ground too by standing up on your toes and coming back to the ground.

Short one today but you should still feel the burn.