by thinkmarsh | Jul 2, 2018 | community, running, safety
One of the things I love about London is how people pour their heart and soul into their community. Whether their passion is cycling, singing, the environment, their local neighborhood, rescued animals, or bee keeping, you can find your tribe somewhere within the M25. Experts come together to teach the novice. The group may host an open day event in the hopes to spark.the interests of others. These hobbies offer a commonality that might not be found at work or at home. A release. A kinship.
I was lucky when I moved to London from the USA to find a Glee-esque show choir with Starling Arts. Much like my drama club friends from high school, I knew I could burst into song at any time with my choir mates without any strange looks. Starlings tend to love theatre, sing-a-long cinema showings, and Pitch Perfect. Coming from all walks of life, we had a love of singing (not as much with dancing) that we bonded over every Tuesday night in Pimlico.
Starling Arts’ FORTE at our summer fete |
Unfortunately, when I moved out to North London to be closer to work, I would get home very late on a work night after choir. When we moved to East London, my commute was super long and the dog needed to be let out. I am still sad that I don’t go to choir anymore (because of #tracktuesday). Many of my choir mates are still rehearsing with Starling Arts and I keep tabs on them via Facebook. I am proud to see the founders, Anna and Emily, have built a successful company and made Starling Arts their full-time gigs.
Whole Foods/Boutique Sport run club from Piccadilly Circus |
My other passion, aside from theatre, is- you guessed it- sport. When I started my blog in 2012, I didn’t think I would ever be able to run a marathon. Over the years, my love for running has slowly developed due to the people I have met through the sport. Now I hate missing #tracktuesday with Advent Running and most of my holidays have a race on the itinerary. I have also become a Leader in Running Fitness with England Athletics, followed by Coach In Running Fitness, due to this inspiring and supportive community. Both of these certifications mean I am qualified to lead run clubs, amongst other things. I have been invited to many one-off run events for brand launches and attended ones put on by running stores. This month, I am volunteering to be one of the run leaders at the Love Trails Festival. Being a run leader is not as easy as it looks so here are my top five tips on how to be a fantastic run club leader.
1. Stay with the last runner. No one wants to be the last person to cross the finish line. Slower runners (and remember each person percieves ‘slow’ differently) might be nervous when attending run clubs that they will be judged for their pace and get left behind. Even worse, they might be worried they will get lost if they fall too far behind the group. A good run club leader will realize the workout is for other people and not worry about the pace. Staying with the last runner gives them confidence and makes sure that no one is lost along the way.
2. Review the safety rules before you head out and follow them. When I lead a run clun, my rules are to always stay on pavement; be aware of pedestrians, cyclists and cars in the road, especially at junctions; follow the green man rather than blindly crossing the road because someone else did. I make sure I do the same to follow a good example. I have also beenknown to use my “mom arm” once in a while to keep people from running out into the road.
Whole Foods/Boutique Sport run club from Kensington |
3. Encourage everyone to cheer each other on. This is probable the American in me, but I always encourage runners in the group (good job, well done, keep going!) and ask others to do the same. I can’t be everywhere at once and it is also a good way to break the ice. My runs end in mandatory high fives too, which are typically followed by a smile.
4. If you don’t have many leaders, try to keep the group together with fartleks or exercises at stop lights. It is difficult to predict how many runners will turn up at a run club. At a miniumum, I prefer two leaders, one for the front and one for the back (see tip #1). The person in front can confidently lead the way (which can be challenging in London where the streets tend to wind) while the other leader makes sure no one is left behind. However, if there is only one of you, ask the faster runners to either stop at specific junctions to meet up or have them run back to you as fast as they can when they can’t see you any more to regroup. If you want them to stop at a light, they can do squats, burpees or star jumps (jumping jacks) until you catch up.
5. Introduce yourself every week. Ask new people if they have any injuries you need to know about. This is important, espcially if you are not wearing a uniform to distinguish yourself from the other runners. You can ask who is new, but some people might be too self-consicous to raise their hand. A good practice is to ask everyone who has injuries and then offer to speak to them privately about it. Learning names is hard for me, but if I can learn a few a week, I know people will appreiciate it.
If you have things your love or hate about run club leaders, leave a comment below and let me know. It would be interesting to hear what you think is important.
Track Tuesday Group 4, that I often pace with Advent Running |
by Mollie Millington | Jun 14, 2018 | race review, running
Run To The Deep was a last minute sign up. There had been an email to the run club at work but I totally forgot about it. The reminder email (with a photo of the octopus medal) was just the nudge I needed to register. Put on by the British Science Association, who smartly hired The Race Organizer to execute the race, it was a lovely Friday evening run around Hyde Park. The weather was perfect for running- just a bit cool with a slight breeze. About 200 people came out, although the race could have allowed 500 runners to take part.
Race pack |
Race entry and fees: Registration was £25 through Eventbrite. You could also register on the day. Rather than mailing out the race packets, we had on hour before the race started where we coud collect our bibs at the start line. I got there 30 minutes early so had time to say hi to some friends (a pleasant surpise to see them!) and warm up.
Limbering up |
Course and bogs: The course was a 5 km loop through Hyde Park that you had to do twice. It was really well marshalled with a person in high-vis at every turn cheering us on, as well as large bright signs. There weren’t any mile markers so I was glad I had my Fitbit on to help me keep track of my distance. The paths were open to the public but it wasn’t too crowded.
Park toilets, which normally cost 20p but for some reason were free that night, were right across from the start line and there was never a queue. The water station was at the start line, rather than out mid-course, and sufficient in size for the weather, number of people and course length.
If you have been living under a rock, you may not have heard about how much plastic rubbish ends up in the ocean. The Run To The Deep organizers made a few simple decisons to help reduce the amount of plastic produced by the race. The water cups were biodegradable and compostable. The water itself was brought in in large carboys rather than small water bottles you would get at a store.
Group warm up |
Location: As I have mentioned, the race was in Hyde Park, London, after work on a Friday evening. It was really easy to get to. I actually took a bus over from Oxford Circus. I don’t make it over there too often so it was nice to see a different part of London. The park is the largest of the four Royal Parks, so it was fairly peaceful in terms of traffic noise and not very crowded with people. I imagine if it was a wee bit warmer, the park would have been more crowded. The course took us by the Serpentine too.
I had to stop and take a picture. You don’t see this on city runs very often. |
Atmosphere: With only 200 runners in a very large park, there wasn’t much atmosphere in terms of cheering or running alongside other people. One of the cool aspects of the race was the Run To The Deep app that used GPS to narrate your trip to the bottom of the ocean. It was really strange to run a race that encouraged you to wear headphones, especially where there were so many scientists together in a semi-social setting (well, I went because I am a scientist but I am sure some people were not). I opted to enjoy running in the park rather than listening to the app. My friends who used the app said it was pretty cool so I need to download it asap and give it a try.
Race bling and goody bags: The race medal design was what convinced me to do the race. There is an octopus on it and I am a marine biologist by training. Therefore, it was a no-brainer. Another eco-friednly choise was using a ribbon that was 100% cotton so it didn’t contain any plastic. Hurray!
The paper goody bags contained the medal, a banana (no wrapper!) and a collapsible stainless steel cup on a key chain (#genius). That is going in my camping gear as I always carry a resusable water bottle with me anyways.
Goody bag and back of medal |
Tips if you want to take part next time: If you had been listening to the app, you would know how far you have gone along the route. If you run without the app, I would suggest having a running app or watch to let you know the distance covered. As I mentioned above, I was keeping tabs of my mile splits with my Fitbit so this wasn’t an issue for me. Make sure you bring a few 20p coins in case you have to use the loo.
Unfortunatelt, I am not sure they will have another Run To The Deep race next year, but I heard they did a solar system run last summer and want to do a series of four races altogether. I highly recommend it if they do. #nerdsunite
Me and my bling |
by thinkmarsh | Jun 14, 2018 | race review, running
Run To The Deep was a last minute sign up. There had been an email to the run club at work but I totally forgot about it. The reminder email (with a photo of the octopus medal) was just the nudge I needed to register. Put on by the British Science Association, who smartly hired The Race Organizer to execute the race, it was a lovely Friday evening run around Hyde Park. The weather was perfect for running- just a bit cool with a slight breeze. About 200 people came out, although the race could have allowed 500 runners to take part.
Race pack |
Race entry and fees: Registration was £25 through Eventbrite. You could also register on the day. Rather than mailing out the race packets, we had on hour before the race started where we coud collect our bibs at the start line. I got there 30 minutes early so had time to say hi to some friends (a pleasant surpise to see them!) and warm up.
Limbering up |
Course and bogs: The course was a 5 km loop through Hyde Park that you had to do twice. It was really well marshalled with a person in high-vis at every turn cheering us on, as well as large bright signs. There weren’t any mile markers so I was glad I had my Fitbit on to help me keep track of my distance. The paths were open to the public but it wasn’t too crowded.
Park toilets, which normally cost 20p but for some reason were free that night, were right across from the start line and there was never a queue. The water station was at the start line, rather than out mid-course, and sufficient in size for the weather, number of people and course length.
If you have been living under a rock, you may not have heard about how much plastic rubbish ends up in the ocean. The Run To The Deep organizers made a few simple decisons to help reduce the amount of plastic produced by the race. The water cups were biodegradable and compostable. The water itself was brought in in large carboys rather than small water bottles you would get at a store.
Group warm up |
Location: As I have mentioned, the race was in Hyde Park, London, after work on a Friday evening. It was really easy to get to. I actually took a bus over from Oxford Circus. I don’t make it over there too often so it was nice to see a different part of London. The park is the largest of the four Royal Parks, so it was fairly peaceful in terms of traffic noise and not very crowded with people. I imagine if it was a wee bit warmer, the park would have been more crowded. The course took us by the Serpentine too.
I had to stop and take a picture. You don’t see this on city runs very often. |
Atmosphere: With only 200 runners in a very large park, there wasn’t much atmosphere in terms of cheering or running alongside other people. One of the cool aspects of the race was the Run To The Deep app that used GPS to narrate your trip to the bottom of the ocean. It was really strange to run a race that encouraged you to wear headphones, especially where there were so many scientists together in a semi-social setting (well, I went because I am a scientist but I am sure some people were not). I opted to enjoy running in the park rather than listening to the app. My friends who used the app said it was pretty cool so I need to download it asap and give it a try.
Race bling and goody bags: The race medal design was what convinced me to do the race. There is an octopus on it and I am a marine biologist by training. Therefore, it was a no-brainer. Another eco-friednly choise was using a ribbon that was 100% cotton so it didn’t contain any plastic. Hurray!
The paper goody bags contained the medal, a banana (no wrapper!) and a collapsible stainless steel cup on a key chain (#genius). That is going in my camping gear as I always carry a resusable water bottle with me anyways.
Goody bag and back of medal |
Tips if you want to take part next time: If you had been listening to the app, you would know how far you have gone along the route. If you run without the app, I would suggest having a running app or watch to let you know the distance covered. As I mentioned above, I was keeping tabs of my mile splits with my Fitbit so this wasn’t an issue for me. Make sure you bring a few 20p coins in case you have to use the loo.
Unfortunatelt, I am not sure they will have another Run To The Deep race next year, but I heard they did a solar system run last summer and want to do a series of four races altogether. I highly recommend it if they do. #nerdsunite
Me and my bling |
by thinkmarsh | Jun 4, 2018 | nutrition, running
Today, I am starting the third week of marathon training for Marathon du Medoc. This race is a bit low pressure as we will be sampling the wine of the region along the 26.2 mile route. But I want to work towards a marathon PB, so I need to committ to the process. I will be practicing drinking wine from Bordeaux at my local wine bar too, don’t worry!
One of the most popular things runners talk about is what to eat when running. As spring marathon season is out in full force, I thought I wouls share a few things that I have tried. Leave a comment below if you have any other suggestions.
When Powerbar first came out back in the day, I remember my dad getting them for windsurfing. They didn’t taste that great back then and were really hard to chew. The first time I tried Gatorade at school, I got an upset stomach during a football (soccer) game. Over the years, my race distances started to increase and I was a little weary about all the latest and greatest stuff I would need to try for a full marathon. Following a training plan, I usually have three to four months to figure out a fuelling strategy. It depends on what I anticipate the weather to be like during training and on the day of the race. I also take into account what drinks and food (if any) will be available on the course. My stomach is vey sensitive, so I am always looking for something easy to digest.

Energy Bits were the first thing I tried. I was completing my 2nd attempt at Whole30 and searching for a product that met the rules. These ‘bits’ are 100% spirulina algae and are vegan, paleo, caffeine-free, soy-free and gluten-free. Spirulina is the richest source of protein in the world at 64%, and rich in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes too. You swallow 30 before or during physical activity, and away you go! I definitely notice my energy feels a bit off when I don’t take them before my longer runs. As they only contain the algae, my stomach doesn’t have any problem digesting them on short or long runs. I will take them before a fasted run to make sure I don’t bonk.

Over the last 3 years, I have stuck with nuun and Lucozade Sport Lite for electrolyte replacement. Nuun is so simple to transport because you just need water and a tablet. There are many different flavours and some even provide caffeine. Unforuntaltely, nuun isn’t easily available in the UK anymore which is a bummer. Gatorade doesn’t bother my stomach any more but also isn’t available in the UK as it is an American product. Luckily, we are able to get Lucozade from our home delivery grocery service. I dilute the Lucozade Lite drink because it is a bit syrupy for me.

For a gel, I was looking for something that wasn’t too sugary or heavy. My Protein had an amazing Blackcurrent gel that was mostly water so it was more like drinking juice rather than goo (note it is still sticky if it gets on your hands). It also was available with caffeine as an ingrediant, which has been shown to improve athletic performance (new post with more info coming soon!) and added electrolytes to keep you hydrated. My Protein stopped making my gel but have a similar Blackcurrent option that tastes a little different. I need to try it a few more times on runs over 60 minutes to see if I can cope.

Gummy snacks, such as Haribos vs Clif Shot Bloks. Who can say which is better? I compared the nutritional values and the difference was negliable. Cliff Shot Bloks do have caffeine which is an added bonus and they are much easier to chew as you are breathing hard and your nose is stuffed up. However, they are also many times the price and a bit harder to find than Haribos when prepping last minute for a race. Both provide a shot of energy (sugar!) to your body quick, which is what you are really after. Tailwind Nutrition is another easy way to get carbs quick. It is a powder you add to your water, providing you with electrolytes and energy. My friends use it for 100 mile races and don’t eat any solid food during those events. They just use Tailwind. I have used it too and haven’t had any tummy issues.

Real food is something I don’t have much room for in my bum bag or hydration pack. I prefer flapjacks, fig rolls, or nuts with raisins as these are all salty and available in most small shops (always carry cash for fueling emergencies). If bananas didn’t get schmooshed so easily, I would probably carry those too. A few of my friends either make their own baby food or use Ella’s Kitchen pouches, Try out a few different types of food on your long runs and see what your body tolerates.
Carbohydrate loading is probably the best part of marathon training. Using Benjamin Rapoport’s endurance formula, I calculated that I needed 550g of carbs each day in the lead up to race day. Unfortunately, the calculator is no longer available online, but you can read the paper it was based on here. In the end I aimed for 500g/day for 7 days instead of 5. I ate a lot of pizza, porridge, and potatoes. Although carb-loading sounds like it will be fun, 500g of filling food is really hard to do on a daily basis. I was also avoiding fibrous foods (like salad) to decrease my chances of runner’s tummy on race day which seemed weird because usually I go for a colourful plate at each meal.
How did I fuel during my first marathon?
• Carried 400ml water plus High 5 single tablets (husband used all the nuun!). Used 1/2 tablet and took 2 electrolyte cups at fuelling stations along the way.
• Took water at every station and refilled 1 of my bottles at every station from miles 10 on
• My Protein gels at miles 5,10,15, 20, 25
• 3 Shot Blocks at miles 7, 13, 18, 23
Amazingly, I never hit a wall. The only thing that failed me where my hips as they were filled with pain miles 20+. Eight marathons later, I now know how important strength training is, which is why I am working with Function360 to prepare my legs and hips for my next big race. You can get your bum in shape too with 15% off their services with code #F360MM15.
If you have any fueling tips, I would love to hear them. Leave a comment below.
by Mollie Millington | Jun 4, 2018 | nutrition, running
Today, I am starting the third week of marathon training for Marathon du Medoc. This race is a bit low pressure as we will be sampling the wine of the region along the 26.2 mile route. But I want to work towards a marathon PB, so I need to committ to the process. I will be practicing drinking wine from Bordeaux at my local wine bar too, don’t worry!
One of the most popular things runners talk about is what to eat when running. As spring marathon season is out in full force, I thought I wouls share a few things that I have tried. Leave a comment below if you have any other suggestions.
When Powerbar first came out back in the day, I remember my dad getting them for windsurfing. They didn’t taste that great back then and were really hard to chew. The first time I tried Gatorade at school, I got an upset stomach during a football (soccer) game. Over the years, my race distances started to increase and I was a little weary about all the latest and greatest stuff I would need to try for a full marathon. Following a training plan, I usually have three to four months to figure out a fuelling strategy. It depends on what I anticipate the weather to be like during training and on the day of the race. I also take into account what drinks and food (if any) will be available on the course. My stomach is vey sensitive, so I am always looking for something easy to digest.

Energy Bits were the first thing I tried. I was completing my 2nd attempt at Whole30 and searching for a product that met the rules. These ‘bits’ are 100% spirulina algae and are vegan, paleo, caffeine-free, soy-free and gluten-free. Spirulina is the richest source of protein in the world at 64%, and rich in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes too. You swallow 30 before or during physical activity, and away you go! I definitely notice my energy feels a bit off when I don’t take them before my longer runs. As they only contain the algae, my stomach doesn’t have any problem digesting them on short or long runs. I will take them before a fasted run to make sure I don’t bonk.

Over the last 3 years, I have stuck with nuun and Lucozade Sport Lite for electrolyte replacement. Nuun is so simple to transport because you just need water and a tablet. There are many different flavours and some even provide caffeine. Unforuntaltely, nuun isn’t easily available in the UK anymore which is a bummer. Gatorade doesn’t bother my stomach any more but also isn’t available in the UK as it is an American product. Luckily, we are able to get Lucozade from our home delivery grocery service. I dilute the Lucozade Lite drink because it is a bit syrupy for me.

For a gel, I was looking for something that wasn’t too sugary or heavy. My Protein had an amazing Blackcurrent gel that was mostly water so it was more like drinking juice rather than goo (note it is still sticky if it gets on your hands). It also was available with caffeine as an ingrediant, which has been shown to improve athletic performance (new post with more info coming soon!) and added electrolytes to keep you hydrated. My Protein stopped making my gel but have a similar Blackcurrent option that tastes a little different. I need to try it a few more times on runs over 60 minutes to see if I can cope.

Gummy snacks, such as Haribos vs Clif Shot Bloks. Who can say which is better? I compared the nutritional values and the difference was negliable. Cliff Shot Bloks do have caffeine which is an added bonus and they are much easier to chew as you are breathing hard and your nose is stuffed up. However, they are also many times the price and a bit harder to find than Haribos when prepping last minute for a race. Both provide a shot of energy (sugar!) to your body quick, which is what you are really after. Tailwind Nutrition is another easy way to get carbs quick. It is a powder you add to your water, providing you with electrolytes and energy. My friends use it for 100 mile races and don’t eat any solid food during those events. They just use Tailwind. I have used it too and haven’t had any tummy issues.

Real food is something I don’t have much room for in my bum bag or hydration pack. I prefer flapjacks, fig rolls, or nuts with raisins as these are all salty and available in most small shops (always carry cash for fueling emergencies). If bananas didn’t get schmooshed so easily, I would probably carry those too. A few of my friends either make their own baby food or use Ella’s Kitchen pouches, Try out a few different types of food on your long runs and see what your body tolerates.
Carbohydrate loading is probably the best part of marathon training. Using Benjamin Rapoport’s endurance formula, I calculated that I needed 550g of carbs each day in the lead up to race day. Unfortunately, the calculator is no longer available online, but you can read the paper it was based on here. In the end I aimed for 500g/day for 7 days instead of 5. I ate a lot of pizza, porridge, and potatoes. Although carb-loading sounds like it will be fun, 500g of filling food is really hard to do on a daily basis. I was also avoiding fibrous foods (like salad) to decrease my chances of runner’s tummy on race day which seemed weird because usually I go for a colourful plate at each meal.
How did I fuel during my first marathon?
• Carried 400ml water plus High 5 single tablets (husband used all the nuun!). Used 1/2 tablet and took 2 electrolyte cups at fuelling stations along the way.
• Took water at every station and refilled 1 of my bottles at every station from miles 10 on
• My Protein gels at miles 5,10,15, 20, 25
• 3 Shot Blocks at miles 7, 13, 18, 23
Amazingly, I never hit a wall. The only thing that failed me where my hips as they were filled with pain miles 20+. Eight marathons later, I now know how important strength training is, which is why I am working with Function360 to prepare my legs and hips for my next big race. You can get your bum in shape too with 15% off their services with code #F360MM15.
If you have any fueling tips, I would love to hear them. Leave a comment below.
by thinkmarsh | May 2, 2018 | product review, running, technology
A few weeks ago, dorsaVi got in touch and offered me a chance to have my running form analysed. Having had a gait analysis done before, I was keen to see what this process would offer me in terms of information (and of course, if I am any better at running now after having started corrective exercise training).
The only place in London to offer this service is the Bowskill Clinic near Baker Street/Oxford Street tube station. The team there welcomed me warmly, even though I was a sweaty mess and 10 minutes late (I seriously need a proper compass). I met Rachel and Jon, who kindly brought me up to one of the posh exam rooms and explained the technology to me. In simplest terms, the ViMove2 are two little sensors that are taped to your tibia on each leg.
Rachel taking measurements to ensure the sensors were positioned properly. |
This wearable technology monitors your motion and muscle activity in real time. Originally, the clinic used dorsaVi sensors for patients with back injuries. Clients would be sent home with the sensors attached for 24 hours and then return for the data upload and report. The ViMove2, however, is for analyzing knee movements. These can also be worn home for a long period of time but with a short assessment you can still obtain a lot of information.
After my online profile was created and the sensors attached, the testing phase of my appointment lasted about 15 minutes. First, I had to perform squats. Each movement I did three or four times to provide an average score. Next, I had to squat on just my left leg, then just the right. Finally, I had to hop on each foot. We then headed outside for a three minute jog in a nearby park. It was really sunny and warm on the day of my appointment so I got a bit sweaty.
I am taking this test very seriously. |
I am happy to say the sensors stayed in place with the adhesive tape used. I could barely notice they were there so I don’t think my running form was comprised at all. By running for at least three minutes, the data collected can look at my running rhythm and stride patterns over time.
Just before my run. I had shorts on, I swear! |
After all the info is downloaded to the software, a large report is generated. By taking measurements of the angle off of the centre (your neutral position), it can let you know how symmetrical your legs are, if your legs rotate in or out when you move (which could lead to pain or injury). The tibial inclination (TI) is the maximum angle that the tibia tilt forward while your foot is on the ground. A TI of less than 20 can indicate poor ankle movement and/or reduced leg strength. I am not yet at 20, but pretty close. My right Achilles was bothering me this day, to the point that even Jon noticed the difference in my left and right leg jumps just by observing how high I jumped.
Valgus and varus details for each test |
Overall, my angles (varus and valgus) are a bit more extreme that the average person. Anything grater than +10 or -10 indicates a higher risk of injury. I am symmetrical however, so both legs move in similar patterns.
Information is also shown in 2D. This is for two repetitions of a squat. |
The data collected during the run also tells you your ground contact time, initial peak acceleration, and ground force reaction. Using this info, along with other baseline tests, sports therapists and trainers can develop a training program to correct any issues. At a later date, you can then re-test and see if there have been improvements. Here is some of my data:
- Ground contact time was high, indicating low cadence and possible fatigue.
- Initial peak acceleration was average.
- Ground force reaction was very low, which may indicate run efficiency.
- My cadence was 173/min at a 12 km/hour pace.
Data from my three minute run |
As a biologist-by-training, I much prefer data-driven evidence. It makes more sense to me and can be confidently monitored over time. Even having something as simple as photographs or videos of your form can be a powerful tool. I look forward to seeing how wearable technology makes it easier for athletes, either professionals or amateurs, to improve their performance. The ViMove2 was a very simple physical performance-based test, non-invasive, and provided a lot of information. If you are looking to improve your run form, see how your body moves in different kit (such as shoes), or want to learn more about how your body moves, I highly recommend finding a local provider who offers ViMove2 sessions.
Thanks to the Bowskill Clinic and dorsiVi for the complimentary experience in trying out this movement monitoring system. All opinions are honest and my own. The crappy running form too.
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