Race Review: BHF Tower of London run

Race Review: BHF Tower of London run

Forecast over London = rain!

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) Town of London jog has been on my bucket list since we moved to London. I mean, who wouldn’t want to run in the old moat of the former Royal residency.  This year, I was finally organized enough to register.  Originally, I was supposed to run with work friends but I ended up being on a first aid course near home which mixed up arrival times.  Luckily, I ran into friends from Advent Running, making the race much more enjoyable for me as it was pouring with rain.  One km laps surrounded by brick really aren’t that fun.

Race entry:  Register online for £20 (I think) plus there is an option to fundraise for BHF.  You can register on the day too if you aren’t big on planning ahead.

Bogs to the left, baggage tent to the right. All in the moat!

Course and bogs:  As it says on the tin, you run around the Tower of London. I thought it would be literal but instead you do U-shaped laps.  You can run as much or as little as you want with suggested distances of 5 or 10 km.  The race isn’t timed and you can start whenever you want within a three hour window. I saw many groups of people running together- work teams, rugby clubs, and families all taking part.  The course wasn’t crowded but it was busy due to some people walking.  One water station as you turned around made it easy to rehydrate as needed.

There were a handful of port-a-loos near the bag drop off.  Luckily I didn’t have to use them.  Because of the variable start time, there wasn’t a huge line at any point from what I saw.

Advent Running unite! Photo courtesy of  Mel McKay

Atmosphere:  Even though it was pouring with rain, people were having fun.  Many were walking and several had signs on their back stating who they were running for.  Some ‘fans’ were even cheering from the pavement above.  I think for many people, it was their first race event and most seemed to have a personal connection to the charity.

Note the catapult

Bling/goody bags:  There wasn’t a goody bag but I did snag a free five minute massage.  I was most excited out the race bling, which had potential to be epic, but instead it was pretty boring.  Each participant received a free red technical t-shirt, but again, these were generic.  I totally understand that BHF saves money by not customizing the freebies but I was still sad about the bling.  I would forgo a t-shirt for a really cool medal.

I am still in the moat.  5K done!

Tips if you decide to take part next time:  2018 will be the 40th year of this epic race.

If you are a seasoned runner, get a group of colleagues or neighbors together to take part.  Travel light so you don’t need to check a bag unless you want to wait for a loooong time to collect it.  If you have a lust for #racebling, don’t run this race for the bling as it is sadly a generic medal (but has a custom ribbon).  BHF gives extra shout-outs to folks who raise more than £500, so if you are committed to the cause, go for it!

Active Travel: Cape Town

Active Travel: Cape Town

Our bikes from iRide South Africa

On my recent trip to South Africa, I wanted to take advantage of the good weather and be outdoors and active as much as possible.   My running and cycling kit were the first things to go in my suitcase, followed by my swimsuit and sunscreen.  I knew it was going to be warm and sunny, but I didn’t know the water was going to be so cold.  My hotel was a lovely walk along the promenade to the V&A Waterfront and I saw many other outdoor activities going on- paragliding, sea kayaking, scuba diving, speed boats, sail boats and surfing.  I also heard there was horseback riding in one of the nearby towns.  Although Cape Town wasn’t expensive, doing all these extra curricular activities would had added up so I only chose a few. I need to go back to try the rest!

Part of the fun of traveling for me is seeing new places by foot or wheels.  My husband is more of a cyclist than I am but we were both keen to cycle while in Cape Town.  Last year, he hired a bike through iRide South Africa so we did the same for this trip.  The service was great as they dropped off and picked up the bikes at the flat where we were staying.  You could also hire helmets and shoes which leaves more room for other things.  One water bottle per bike was provided and we brought extras.  This was important as it was 26 degrees Celsius and more while we were in Cape Town.

We made it.

We are both comfortable cycling in a city (James more so than me because he cycle commutes every day) which was important as Cape Town doesn’t have many bike lanes.  It took about 20 minutes to get into the fancier suburbs and passed everyone headed to work.  South Africa for the most part has wide shoulders on their roads for passing traffic which many of the cyclists we saw used.  We were headed south to Chapman’s Peak, which included an 850 m climb in bright sunshine with HUGE winds.  I, of course, was nervous of needing the toilet along the way but made it through without incident.  It was great to get back on the bike (it had been since Fitbit Fifty) but I did feel bad for my husband as I am a very slow cyclist.  He is fantastic at climbing hills!  Slow and steady is how I aim to do it.  I get there in the end.

We had plenty of fuel and water with us because it was so hot in Cape Town.  I used additional saline drops in my water bottles to ensure I was hydrated, plus nuun and Powerade.  I had heat exhaustion once in Texas and it was not fun!

What a view!

When we did make it to the top, the view was amazing.  There were other cyclists there too and several cars pulled over.  Everyone was taking photos and looking out over the water.  We were told that over and down the peak there was a cafe, but I didn’t want to climb up the hill twice.  We headed back down the way we came and stopped for a 2nd breakfast near the beach.  It was really lovely to be outside, in the sunshine, and see the ocean just across the road.  We made it back to the flat without any problems and relaxed the rest of the day.  James climbed to the top of Chapman’s Peak again the next day and found a cafe on the other side of the hill.  I was due to run 13 miles for my marathon training and did that instead.

I found there were plenty of opportunities to run in Cape Town.  Although many books and websites said not to go out by yourself in Cape Town, I felt safe running along the Sea Point Promenade, as well as running from my hotel to the promenade.  There wasn’t much shade along the path but the ocean breeze helped keep me cool.  You will definitely need sunscreen!

Adidas Runners Cape Town

Representing London

With marathon training in full swing, I ran most days but had to run very early in the morning or late in the evening because of the heat.  I managed to join Adidas Runners Cape Town for a run along the Promenade and through Greenpoint Park were we crossed paths with Park Run which had a large amount of people taking park (FYI- parkrun starts at 8am in Cape Town!).

The other running I was able to due was a trail run in Stellenbosch.  I was lucky enough to take part in a Dirtopia race on Valentine’s Day.  A more detailed review will be up soon.  It was hard to find a comprehensive race calendar, but I think this was due to it being such a hot time of the year.  If you know of one for Cape Town or South Africa, please let me know!

Sea kayaking
I went out on two trips with Kaskazi Kayaks in Cape Town.  The only other time I have been sea kayaking was a on-off in Seward, Alaska, USA when I lived there for a summer.  For those that don’t know, kayaking is a sport where you sit in a small boat close to the surface of the water and use a double-sided paddle to propel yourself.  Here are a few things I learned on my trip that you might find useful for your first sea kayaking trip.

All the gear ready for us

Do you need to be fit to sea kayak? Not necessarily, but you do need to be willing to dig in and paddle against the current and waves.  We were put into kayaks with others, so you can share the burden a bit.  Double kayaks are more stable too.  You will wear a life jacket during your trip but you may have to go a ways offshore to go around reefs or rocks under the water.  If you are afraid of the water or are not a confident swimmer, this might be unnerving.  Speak to your instructor before getting into your kayak to discuss your fears and what the trip will be like.  I love being on the water but a few people in my group were either scared to be on the water or didn’t realize how much physical activity was involved.

If you want to see local wildlife, ask the company which time is the best to go out. I was told the early morning trips are when animals local to Cape Town are most active and picked the second trip of the day so I could sleep a bit.  We saw a fur seal and some dolphins during my second trip, which was pretty neat!

Everyone is ready to go. Photo by Kaskazi Kayaks

There were a few things I brought with me that were important for this kind of activity- sunscreen (my legs got very burned), bottle of water, sunglasses, hat, swimsuit bottoms (no matter what they say, you will get wet), and shoes for water sports (I wore my Keens sandals).  A towel and change of clothes will not go amiss either.  Basically, it is sunny in Cape Town and even brighter on the water.  You don’t want to waste any days of your holiday with a sunburn, so protect your skin.

Just look at that view.  Photo by Kaskazi Kayaks.

I hope to one day return to Cape Town.  What would you recommend we put on our activity list for the next time?  We managed to squeeze in a short safari and cage diving, which I will post about soon.  But I know there is so much more to do and see.

Active Travel: Cape Town

Active Travel: Cape Town

Our bikes from iRide South Africa

On my recent trip to South Africa, I wanted to take advantage of the good weather and be outdoors and active as much as possible.   My running and cycling kit were the first things to go in my suitcase, followed by my swimsuit and sunscreen.  I knew it was going to be warm and sunny, but I didn’t know the water was going to be so cold.  My hotel was a lovely walk along the promenade to the V&A Waterfront and I saw many other outdoor activities going on- paragliding, sea kayaking, scuba diving, speed boats, sail boats and surfing.  I also heard there was horseback riding in one of the nearby towns.  Although Cape Town wasn’t expensive, doing all these extra curricular activities would had added up so I only chose a few. I need to go back to try the rest!

Part of the fun of traveling for me is seeing new places by foot or wheels.  My husband is more of a cyclist than I am but we were both keen to cycle while in Cape Town.  Last year, he hired a bike through iRide South Africa so we did the same for this trip.  The service was great as they dropped off and picked up the bikes at the flat where we were staying.  You could also hire helmets and shoes which leaves more room for other things.  One water bottle per bike was provided and we brought extras.  This was important as it was 26 degrees Celsius and more while we were in Cape Town.

We made it.

We are both comfortable cycling in a city (James more so than me because he cycle commutes every day) which was important as Cape Town doesn’t have many bike lanes.  It took about 20 minutes to get into the fancier suburbs and passed everyone headed to work.  South Africa for the most part has wide shoulders on their roads for passing traffic which many of the cyclists we saw used.  We were headed south to Chapman’s Peak, which included an 850 m climb in bright sunshine with HUGE winds.  I, of course, was nervous of needing the toilet along the way but made it through without incident.  It was great to get back on the bike (it had been since Fitbit Fifty) but I did feel bad for my husband as I am a very slow cyclist.  He is fantastic at climbing hills!  Slow and steady is how I aim to do it.  I get there in the end.

We had plenty of fuel and water with us because it was so hot in Cape Town.  I used additional saline drops in my water bottles to ensure I was hydrated, plus nuun and Powerade.  I had heat exhaustion once in Texas and it was not fun!

What a view!

When we did make it to the top, the view was amazing.  There were other cyclists there too and several cars pulled over.  Everyone was taking photos and looking out over the water.  We were told that over and down the peak there was a cafe, but I didn’t want to climb up the hill twice.  We headed back down the way we came and stopped for a 2nd breakfast near the beach.  It was really lovely to be outside, in the sunshine, and see the ocean just across the road.  We made it back to the flat without any problems and relaxed the rest of the day.  James climbed to the top of Chapman’s Peak again the next day and found a cafe on the other side of the hill.  I was due to run 13 miles for my marathon training and did that instead.

I found there were plenty of opportunities to run in Cape Town.  Although many books and websites said not to go out by yourself in Cape Town, I felt safe running along the Sea Point Promenade, as well as running from my hotel to the promenade.  There wasn’t much shade along the path but the ocean breeze helped keep me cool.  You will definitely need sunscreen!

Adidas Runners Cape Town

Representing London

With marathon training in full swing, I ran most days but had to run very early in the morning or late in the evening because of the heat.  I managed to join Adidas Runners Cape Town for a run along the Promenade and through Greenpoint Park were we crossed paths with Park Run which had a large amount of people taking park (FYI- parkrun starts at 8am in Cape Town!).

The other running I was able to due was a trail run in Stellenbosch.  I was lucky enough to take part in a Dirtopia race on Valentine’s Day.  A more detailed review will be up soon.  It was hard to find a comprehensive race calendar, but I think this was due to it being such a hot time of the year.  If you know of one for Cape Town or South Africa, please let me know!

Sea kayaking
I went out on two trips with Kaskazi Kayaks in Cape Town.  The only other time I have been sea kayaking was a on-off in Seward, Alaska, USA when I lived there for a summer.  For those that don’t know, kayaking is a sport where you sit in a small boat close to the surface of the water and use a double-sided paddle to propel yourself.  Here are a few things I learned on my trip that you might find useful for your first sea kayaking trip.

All the gear ready for us

Do you need to be fit to sea kayak? Not necessarily, but you do need to be willing to dig in and paddle against the current and waves.  We were put into kayaks with others, so you can share the burden a bit.  Double kayaks are more stable too.  You will wear a life jacket during your trip but you may have to go a ways offshore to go around reefs or rocks under the water.  If you are afraid of the water or are not a confident swimmer, this might be unnerving.  Speak to your instructor before getting into your kayak to discuss your fears and what the trip will be like.  I love being on the water but a few people in my group were either scared to be on the water or didn’t realize how much physical activity was involved.

If you want to see local wildlife, ask the company which time is the best to go out. I was told the early morning trips are when animals local to Cape Town are most active and picked the second trip of the day so I could sleep a bit.  We saw a fur seal and some dolphins during my second trip, which was pretty neat!

Everyone is ready to go. Photo by Kaskazi Kayaks

There were a few things I brought with me that were important for this kind of activity- sunscreen (my legs got very burned), bottle of water, sunglasses, hat, swimsuit bottoms (no matter what they say, you will get wet), and shoes for water sports (I wore my Keens sandals).  A towel and change of clothes will not go amiss either.  Basically, it is sunny in Cape Town and even brighter on the water.  You don’t want to waste any days of your holiday with a sunburn, so protect your skin.

Just look at that view.  Photo by Kaskazi Kayaks.

I hope to one day return to Cape Town.  What would you recommend we put on our activity list for the next time?  We managed to squeeze in a short safari and cage diving, which I will post about soon.  But I know there is so much more to do and see.

Post-Marathon Blues

Post-Marathon Blues

At the London Marathon red start

As you read on Monday, the London Marathon has come and gone.  It has been my sole focus since mid-December, so to have it gone is a bit unsettling.  I still have my long term goal of qualifying to run the Boston Marathon in 2019, but it seems so far away and I am not really happy with my London Marathon performance.  Yes, I got a PB, but deep down I feel it is because I didn’t stop and use the bathroom as many times as I did in Berlin.  I also didn’t stick with my goal of 9:30min/miles.  Friends warned me not to start off the London Marathon too fast.  I did though (the cheers are infectious!) and tried to rein myself in.  Near the start of the race, my splits were estimating I would finish in 4:15:00.  But my body just wasn’t strong enough.  Hips and legs started to hurt at mile 16, which was 10 long miles from the finish line.

This has always been my problem during a marathon and I know how to solve it. Is it fear that keeps me from strength training?  Lack of time?  Self-sabotage?  I have all the kit I need, the knowledge of the exercises, free access to a small gym, a membership to an online gym with tons of video resources yet there is a mental block.

After every marathon (or usually 2 weeks before), I swear I will lift for the next race.  My butt shouldn’t be lazy.  My heels should come up to my bum when I run not barely lift off the ground, right?

It comes down to how badly do I want it?  How much am I willing to give to reach Boston, to finish a marathon feeling strong rather than limping around for the following week, to fit the expected aesthetics of a personal trainer (another one of my insecurities)?

To bring things into focus, I have set myself three SMART goals:

  • Complete 2 strength sessions a week for the next eight weeks
  • Three rounds of 10 kegals and clams six days a week
  • Run Chicago Marathon in 4:15:00 (8 October 2017)
As a #fitnessrockstar in Julia B Fit’s online gym (where a free basic membership is available), I am fortunate enough to have access to most of her videos.  There are a dozen programs or you can mix and match videos as you see fit.  Julia recommended a few specific workouts for me that fit in my two sessions/week goal, as well as getting my body into better running shape.  She has introductory videos for all the programs to give you specific instructions on each move.  This allows you to ‘hit the ground running’ when you watch the workout.  As a personal trainer, I find her combinations of movements refreshing.  The body is continually challenged, no matter which video you watch.  A lot of the workout can be done without any equipment or simply dumbbells and a yoga mat.
Working out in my narrow flat
Don’t worry, I will keep busy on the other five days of the week.  I have a few spin classes that I am taking at the Velodrome and RUNch sessions mixed in too.  In June, I am taking part in the London 10 Mile race in Richmond Park (anyone up for brunch?) so I need to keep logging miles.  Something else is planned for July too but I will share more about that soon.
After the eight weeks of strength training, it will be time for me to start marathon training properly again.  I am considering hiring a run coach to give me a bit more structure to improve my speed.  If you have ever worked with a running coach, please leave a comment below on any advice you have for selecting one.  Or if you have any tips on getting over the post-marathon blues, I would love to hear about them.

This post contains affiliate links. They do not add any additional cost to the buyer but help pay for the maintenance of my website.

Post-Marathon Blues

Post-Marathon Blues

At the London Marathon red start

As you read on Monday, the London Marathon has come and gone.  It has been my sole focus since mid-December, so to have it gone is a bit unsettling.  I still have my long term goal of qualifying to run the Boston Marathon in 2019, but it seems so far away and I am not really happy with my London Marathon performance.  Yes, I got a PB, but deep down I feel it is because I didn’t stop and use the bathroom as many times as I did in Berlin.  I also didn’t stick with my goal of 9:30min/miles.  Friends warned me not to start off the London Marathon too fast.  I did though (the cheers are infectious!) and tried to rein myself in.  Near the start of the race, my splits were estimating I would finish in 4:15:00.  But my body just wasn’t strong enough.  Hips and legs started to hurt at mile 16, which was 10 long miles from the finish line.

This has always been my problem during a marathon and I know how to solve it. Is it fear that keeps me from strength training?  Lack of time?  Self-sabotage?  I have all the kit I need, the knowledge of the exercises, free access to a small gym, a membership to an online gym with tons of video resources yet there is a mental block.

After every marathon (or usually 2 weeks before), I swear I will lift for the next race.  My butt shouldn’t be lazy.  My heels should come up to my bum when I run not barely lift off the ground, right?

It comes down to how badly do I want it?  How much am I willing to give to reach Boston, to finish a marathon feeling strong rather than limping around for the following week, to fit the expected aesthetics of a personal trainer (another one of my insecurities)?

To bring things into focus, I have set myself three SMART goals:

  • Complete 2 strength sessions a week for the next eight weeks
  • Three rounds of 10 kegals and clams six days a week
  • Run Chicago Marathon in 4:15:00 (8 October 2017)
As a #fitnessrockstar in Julia B Fit’s online gym (where a free basic membership is available), I am fortunate enough to have access to most of her videos.  There are a dozen programs or you can mix and match videos as you see fit.  Julia recommended a few specific workouts for me that fit in my two sessions/week goal, as well as getting my body into better running shape.  She has introductory videos for all the programs to give you specific instructions on each move.  This allows you to ‘hit the ground running’ when you watch the workout.  As a personal trainer, I find her combinations of movements refreshing.  The body is continually challenged, no matter which video you watch.  A lot of the workout can be done without any equipment or simply dumbbells and a yoga mat.
Working out in my narrow flat
Don’t worry, I will keep busy on the other five days of the week.  I have a few spin classes that I am taking at the Velodrome and RUNch sessions mixed in too.  In June, I am taking part in the London 10 Mile race in Richmond Park (anyone up for brunch?) so I need to keep logging miles.  Something else is planned for July too but I will share more about that soon.
After the eight weeks of strength training, it will be time for me to start marathon training properly again.  I am considering hiring a run coach to give me a bit more structure to improve my speed.  If you have ever worked with a running coach, please leave a comment below on any advice you have for selecting one.  Or if you have any tips on getting over the post-marathon blues, I would love to hear about them.

This post contains affiliate links. They do not add any additional cost to the buyer but help pay for the maintenance of my website.

Race Review: London Marathon 2017

Race Review: London Marathon 2017

I am very happy to share with you my thoughts on the Virgin Money London Marathon (VMLM) my first Abbott World Marathon Major of 2017. It has been a challenging four months of prep for one race, but it was worth it.  Thank you to everyone who reached out to me with best wishes in the week leading up to the race and then congratulations after.  It meant a lot to feel the love.

Race entry and fees: Hugely popular with runners worldwide, VMLM has a 1 in 19 chance of winning the ballot.  Most people opt for charity places or if you are fast enough, a’good for age’ entry.  I ran with Plantlife who asked me to raise £1000 this year (it might change for 2018) after paying £50 registration fee.  I probably ended up spending £200 of my own money across the several fundraising events I organized.

Course and bogs: I was in the red start in corral 8 and bumped into Haydy walking to the same start zone so we chatted a bit along the way.  It was very organized and sign posted for bag drop in large trucks and starting pens in the main road.  Before checking my bag, I popped a handul of EnergyBits and pulled out a Bounce ball for a last minute snack.  The port-a-loos were arranged in little U shapes along the edge of the park, which made cueing much more organised.  Charlie and Tom came over to say hi and to alert us to the shortest loo queue on the world. Score! I ended up leaving my corral after the start of the race to use the loo last minute anyways and was really glad I did.

Queues for the loos
I wore my new Kalenji bum bag from Decathlon which fit four MyProtein energels, my phone, and a 500ml water bottle with Tailwind. There was plenty of water stations along the course at every mile from mile 3 to mile 25.  Lucazade, one of the major sponsors, provided sports drink  at miles 5, 10, 15, 19 and 23, as well as gels at two points along the way.  Port-a-loos were stationed at several points along the way.  I stopped at mile 8 for a quick pee (unlike Berlin when I stopped several times in a variety of locations).

Location:  The race starts in South East London in Greenwich and ends on The Mall by Buckingham Palace.  The 26+ miles winds it was through many of the streets north and south of the Thames.

Course map at the expo

Atmosphere:  This day has to be the one day of the year that everyone in London is happy.  People are friendly, chatting with strangers along the side of the road and on the Tube.  The  majority of the course is well-stocked with people cheering for friends and strangers alike.  Many spectators carry homemade signs and others hand out jelly babies to the runners.  It is truly an amazing day to be in London, whether you are running or cheering.  I am so grategul to have had James at Mile 20, my Team Naturally Run girls at Mile 22, and Advent Running at mile 24.  It made all the different to get to the finish line.

Crossing Tower Bridge. Nearly 1/2 way!

Goody bags and bling: The medal is substantial with good weight.  I might have missed a chance from Princes Harry and William giving me my medal, but I didn’t think they would still be around by that point. My goody bag contained an apple, sweet and salty snacks, a few flyers about Virgin companies, plus a few drinks (water, coconut water, and a guava Lucazade).  The finisher shirt that came in the goody bag was a bit odd because it has an ice cream cone on it saying ‘I licked it’.  I really don’t get the reference.

New PB of 4:30:07
Snack attack! Oldland was more interested
in the snack than my presence.

Things to know if you want to take part next time:  I would say not to bother carrying water with you as there are stations nearly every mile.  But see how you do on your training runs to see if this is appropriate for you.  I noticed with this training cycle, I became really hungry on long runs and craved real food.  Next time, instead of gels, I would carry Clif bars or Bounce balls over the spare two gels.  Sabine suggested I have James hold a snack for me, and I am so glad I listened to her!  I would also encourage my supporters to carry a balloon or inflatable something so they stand out in the crowd.  I tried to convince James of this this year but he didn’t believe me.  He does agree with me now that it is best to leave the dog at home at home because of the packed crowds and all the sugary candy on the ground.

Feeling like you are up for the challenge?  The Virgin Money London Marathon ballot opens 1 May 2017 and closes on 5 May 2017.  Magazines are posted in the autumn to let you know if you have won an entry.  Let me know if you are lucky!