#fitbitbifty time

#fitbitbifty time

On the way to the airport on Thursday, I got a call from Coach Magazine.  Mind you, I was headed to Berlin for my first World Marathon Major and was running late.  But I was thrilled when I got the news.  I was being drafted up from my reserve position to a member of Team Adventure for the Fitbit Fifty Challenge.  Along with five teammates, we will run and cycle our way to Edinburgh and back with the aim of finishing in 50 hours or less.  Team Challenge will be giving us a run for our money, but I am so excited (and petrified of course) to take part in this once in a lifetime experience.

Since Ride London, I switched over to marathon training with spin classes to suppliment my training.  I am replacing a male Ironman triathlete and have a Team GB member on my team.  These athletes are amazing, and I cannot believe I will be working alongside them this weekend.  I have been recovering all week since the marathon and am keeping a positive mindset about my abilities after running a marathon less than a week prior.

We start out Friday morning at 6am from Buckingham Palace and head north for 400+ miles.  After running around Edinburgh Castle, we will retrace our steps and end up back at Buckingham Palace on Sunday morning.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for live updates on our progress.  Also search for #fitbitfifty for perspective from all the athletes.

Massive thanks to Coach Magazine and Fitbit for this incredible opportunity.  I would also like to thank Altura Cycling for providing me with some autumnal weather kit last minute.  They were lifesavers!

#fitbitbifty time

#fitbitbifty time

On the way to the airport on Thursday, I got a call from Coach Magazine.  Mind you, I was headed to Berlin for my first World Marathon Major and was running late.  But I was thrilled when I got the news.  I was being drafted up from my reserve position to a member of Team Adventure for the Fitbit Fifty Challenge.  Along with five teammates, we will run and cycle our way to Edinburgh and back with the aim of finishing in 50 hours or less.  Team Challenge will be giving us a run for our money, but I am so excited (and petrified of course) to take part in this once in a lifetime experience.

Since Ride London, I switched over to marathon training with spin classes to suppliment my training.  I am replacing a male Ironman triathlete and have a Team GB member on my team.  These athletes are amazing, and I cannot believe I will be working alongside them this weekend.  I have been recovering all week since the marathon and am keeping a positive mindset about my abilities after running a marathon less than a week prior.

We start out Friday morning at 6am from Buckingham Palace and head north for 400+ miles.  After running around Edinburgh Castle, we will retrace our steps and end up back at Buckingham Palace on Sunday morning.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for live updates on our progress.  Also search for #fitbitfifty for perspective from all the athletes.

Massive thanks to Coach Magazine and Fitbit for this incredible opportunity.  I would also like to thank Altura Cycling for providing me with some autumnal weather kit last minute.  They were lifesavers!

Survival Tips for the Spitfire Scramble

Survival Tips for the Spitfire Scramble

I learned a few things from last year’s Spitfire Scramble.  Even though I made a list of things to pack, I still forgot a few things, like baby wipes.  I did remember a hot water bottle and think that was more essential because if I smelled, I was camping alone.  Here are the Things that got me through Spitfire Scramble 2016.

2016 UK Fitness Bloggers team

Pearl Izumi kit is lush

Pearl Izumi*-Their Transfer Dry running kit is amazing!  I have the Pursuit Singlet and 4.5 in short.  Both dried out so quick after my first lap I left them on and wore for lap #2.  I even wore the shorts to Fierce Grace Yoga once and they never stuck to me or need to be adjusted.  They are now my go-to shorts in the summer.  The only change I would make is to add a zipper or Velcro seal three small pocket on the back waistband as I am always afraid my gel or keys will fall out.  The top is a flattering cut (as is my preference for a loose cut).

Runderwear They quick dry too so you don’t have to worry about swamp ass.  ‘nough said.  Here is my original review.

Knuckle Lights*- Team member, Corey from Learning Patience, was able to hook up the team with these.  She had used them last year and raved about them.  I used mine at high power and could see everything even though it was pitch black out.  I also had Night Runner 270′s* on my feet, Million Mile lights on my waist and a head torch.  It was awesome to be so lit up because I got of lot of comments during my 2 night laps, which gave me the boost I needed.  One person said I was lit up like a Christmas tree, while a marshall said I made their night by being so bright.  The rechargable batteries didn’t last me too laps though while on high power.  Next year, I will go with medium strenght.

Primal pantry bars*Sabine, from My Life My Challenges, was able to share some sample Primal Pantry bars.  My flapjacks ended up sticking to the parchment paper when I took them out of the oven, so I was grateful for an alternative snack. We had 4 flavours but I stuck to the ones I knew and saved the rest for run commuting.

VITHIT water* These were sent to me just days before the race. I chose to have them as a treat after my daytime laps as a way to rehydrate without having to worry about my body’s response. (Runners are really superstitious about trying new things, if you haven’t pick up on that yet). I tried Apple & Elderflower and Coconut & Pineapple.  Both were really nice treat after a hot 5.9 mile run. I still have 2 other flavours in my fridge and hope summer lasts a bit longer so I can enjoy them properly.

Primus Lite gas stove*- I harnessed it’s true potential this year and had a hot water bottle while I slept, made Sabine a pot of noodles, and someone a cup of tea.  I was so relieved it didn’t rust when we left it outside in a plastic storage container in the garden that became super damp when we had heavy rain.  The insulation on the cup went a bit mouldy but I was able to wash that off under the tap.  I was super impressed it wasn’t damaged further.  Quality stuff right there!

elete Holistic Hydrate*- These were a lifesaver as it was very hot and sunny on Saturday afternoon.  All I did was pour 1/2 capful into my 750ml water bottle and added water.  It didn’t taste that much different (but just a little bit, maybe just psychosomatic as I knew there were added salts in there?). The bottles are small enough (like an eye drop bottle) that you can travel with it or keep in your gym bag for hot days or super-sweaty workouts.

Stretch and massage in between laps

Massages- I had enough cash on me to invest in 3 massages this year. Corey’s massage therapist said to get massages throughout the race. Our team was the first in line to sign up for our anticipated slots. God bless the Flying Physios as they worked for nearly 35 hours straight to keep all us runners going.  I don’t know if it was mentally or physically a relief but I will do the same again next year.

Familiar faces- It is wonderful to be building up my friends in the London running community.  We had several other blogger friends at the race (Lisa, Lucy, and Frankie), my friend Clare and her gang of East End Road Runners, two ladies from Advent Running, and my local park run leaders.  Spitfire is so friendly and relaxed you really can’t beat it.

I am already looking forward to next year.  My goal is to bring my own food rather than rely on the food stands.  During my laps, I had lots of time to strategize our rota for next year.  Returning to such a fun race year-after-year helps me check in with the community aspect of running and reminds me how fun it truly can be.

All items with a * were given to me with compliments in exchange for an honest review. As always, all opinions are honest and my own.

Survival Tips for the Spitfire Scramble

Survival Tips for the Spitfire Scramble

I learned a few things from last year’s Spitfire Scramble.  Even though I made a list of things to pack, I still forgot a few things, like baby wipes.  I did remember a hot water bottle and think that was more essential because if I smelled, I was camping alone.  Here are the Things that got me through Spitfire Scramble 2016.

2016 UK Fitness Bloggers team

Pearl Izumi kit is lush

Pearl Izumi*-Their Transfer Dry running kit is amazing!  I have the Pursuit Singlet and 4.5 in short.  Both dried out so quick after my first lap I left them on and wore for lap #2.  I even wore the shorts to Fierce Grace Yoga once and they never stuck to me or need to be adjusted.  They are now my go-to shorts in the summer.  The only change I would make is to add a zipper or Velcro seal three small pocket on the back waistband as I am always afraid my gel or keys will fall out.  The top is a flattering cut (as is my preference for a loose cut).

Runderwear They quick dry too so you don’t have to worry about swamp ass.  ‘nough said.  Here is my original review.

Knuckle Lights*- Team member, Corey from Learning Patience, was able to hook up the team with these.  She had used them last year and raved about them.  I used mine at high power and could see everything even though it was pitch black out.  I also had Night Runner 270′s* on my feet, Million Mile lights on my waist and a head torch.  It was awesome to be so lit up because I got of lot of comments during my 2 night laps, which gave me the boost I needed.  One person said I was lit up like a Christmas tree, while a marshall said I made their night by being so bright.  The rechargable batteries didn’t last me too laps though while on high power.  Next year, I will go with medium strenght.

Primal pantry bars*Sabine, from My Life My Challenges, was able to share some sample Primal Pantry bars.  My flapjacks ended up sticking to the parchment paper when I took them out of the oven, so I was grateful for an alternative snack. We had 4 flavours but I stuck to the ones I knew and saved the rest for run commuting.

VITHIT water* These were sent to me just days before the race. I chose to have them as a treat after my daytime laps as a way to rehydrate without having to worry about my body’s response. (Runners are really superstitious about trying new things, if you haven’t pick up on that yet). I tried Apple & Elderflower and Coconut & Pineapple.  Both were really nice treat after a hot 5.9 mile run. I still have 2 other flavours in my fridge and hope summer lasts a bit longer so I can enjoy them properly.

Primus Lite gas stove*- I harnessed it’s true potential this year and had a hot water bottle while I slept, made Sabine a pot of noodles, and someone a cup of tea.  I was so relieved it didn’t rust when we left it outside in a plastic storage container in the garden that became super damp when we had heavy rain.  The insulation on the cup went a bit mouldy but I was able to wash that off under the tap.  I was super impressed it wasn’t damaged further.  Quality stuff right there!

elete Holistic Hydrate*- These were a lifesaver as it was very hot and sunny on Saturday afternoon.  All I did was pour 1/2 capful into my 750ml water bottle and added water.  It didn’t taste that much different (but just a little bit, maybe just psychosomatic as I knew there were added salts in there?). The bottles are small enough (like an eye drop bottle) that you can travel with it or keep in your gym bag for hot days or super-sweaty workouts.

Stretch and massage in between laps

Massages- I had enough cash on me to invest in 3 massages this year. Corey’s massage therapist said to get massages throughout the race. Our team was the first in line to sign up for our anticipated slots. God bless the Flying Physios as they worked for nearly 35 hours straight to keep all us runners going.  I don’t know if it was mentally or physically a relief but I will do the same again next year.

Familiar faces- It is wonderful to be building up my friends in the London running community.  We had several other blogger friends at the race (Lisa, Lucy, and Frankie), my friend Clare and her gang of East End Road Runners, two ladies from Advent Running, and my local park run leaders.  Spitfire is so friendly and relaxed you really can’t beat it.

I am already looking forward to next year.  My goal is to bring my own food rather than rely on the food stands.  During my laps, I had lots of time to strategize our rota for next year.  Returning to such a fun race year-after-year helps me check in with the community aspect of running and reminds me how fun it truly can be.

All items with a * were given to me with compliments in exchange for an honest review. As always, all opinions are honest and my own.

4 tips for running in the rain

One of my favorite quotes is something along the lines of ‘Don’t wait for the perfect weather to go for a run. You will never leave the house’ and it is so true here in London!

With the typical British weather this week, I was inspired to share these tips about training in the rain with you on Instagram.  In case you don’t follow me, I included the video below.

Don’t forget you can use my 15% off discount code (PTMWR16) for the Women’s Running Magazine 10K race series.  I will at the Milton Keynes race and hope to see you there!

Women’s Running Magazine 10K Race Series

Women’s Running Magazine 10K Race Series

If you have found yourself hungry for some more race bling, or are thinking about trying out a 10K distance, I recommend registering for Women’s Running Magazine’s 10K race series.   As a race ambassador, I have happy to share my discount code with you below.  It is valid for any race and there are training plans provided to get your ready for the start line.
I have to admit, the thing I am most excited about is that I am also leading the warm up at the Milton Keynes race on Sunday 3rd July.  This is a huge opportunity for me as I will be able to meet so many women on their fitness journey to health and happiness.  If you see me there, please do say hello.
Soon I will have a video or two up to help you with your training for the race.  If there is anything in particular you want to know, whether it be about training, kit, fuelling, or race day, please leave a message below and I will do my best to answer you.
Happy running!