Race bling and vision boards

Race bling and vision boards

The decorating style of our flat is a little hodgepodge.  We have some framed art, a card display for the post we receive, an Ikea 5×5 of ‘stuff’ and a large overflowing bookshelf.  Each of these corners of our flat display different parts of our personalities, although sometimes I feel as if we still live in graduate student housing rather then adults who are put together and have a house with matching non-Ikea furniture.  There are a few things on display that many homes probably don’t have- vision boards and race medal holders.

I remember watching Oprah once when she was talking about vision boards.  People in her audience told tales of how several different ovens were ordered and didn’t work for some reason until the one that did she found on an old vision board when clearing out her desk.  A gentleman in the audience said he didn’t believe in vision boards when his wife started making them.  But he had changed his mind when they ended up on the show because his wife had a photo of Oprah pasted prominently on her vision board.  I believe vision boards follow on from the manifestation guidelines of The Secret, but I have not read it.  I remember how popular it was when it first came out though!  Who wouldn’t want to dream of something and then have it come true?

To create your own vision board, take some old magazines and cut out the photos that you like or the phrases that resonate with you.  I had trouble finding a big piece of poster board in the UK, so settled on A3 card stock.  This actually worked out better because I made three boards, each with a different theme (running, travel and my personal training business).

All you need to do is make a collage with the clippings and hang someplace to help you visualise your dreams. You might not know why you like a photo or you might be looking for something specific (for example, a kitchen appliance, breed of dog, or new running shoes, or the perfect beach holiday).  You can out the picture of something specific, like I did for the Boston Marathon, if you can’t find it in a magazine or newspaper.  You don’t need to make themed boards, as I did this week simply because I had too many clippings.  Your’s could be a sheet of regular paper with five photos on it.  It is up to you and your dreams on how you want it to look.  I tend to hang them near by bed so I can see the board as I fall asleep and when I wake up.  Seeing them on a daily basis reminds me of what I am working towards and gives me a little morale boost.  I have really been struggling with my injuries over the last few years and trying not to give up on my dream of running the Boston Marathon.

While my vision boards tend to be very handmade and arts-and-craftsy, I do like to display my race bling in a more organised fashioned to highlight my achievements (mental note: I need to update my times).   I did a lot of research before buying it (mostly on Etsy).  I wanted my display to be unique and reflect multi-disciplines because at the time, I was taking part in triathlons.  Many designs were about being a female athlete, but that wasn’t important to me.  I really like the design I ended up with, as it allows me to display my bibs (do you save your’s too?) and my personal best (or personal record) times for different disciplines.  Before I purchased this board, we used to hang our (few) medals on a old door hinge leading into our living room. Every now and again we would bump into the growing collection and hear a clatter.  It is nearly full now (six years later) so I need to decide if I discard some of the medals or purchase a new display.  Whenever I look at it, I remember how lucky I have been to take part in so many events and how if I work hard, I can make it to more start lines next year.

If you don’t have the space or budget for a fancy medal holder, go to your local hardware store and look at coat and key racks you can adhere to the wall.  We actually started out with a five hook key rack but that didn’t take long to fill!  My medals are now hanging in our living room and next to my dresser.  I see them every morning when I get dressed and every night before I go to bed.  I can also see them from the couch while watching TV (which I have been doing a lot of during lockdown).  Once in a while, I wade through them to remember the different races I have taken part in all over the world.

Hanging these visual displays really do give me a motivational boost. I love seeing my World Marathon Major medals in a separate display and look forward to filling in the last three medals.  If I had a desk, I would hang a smaller vision board too.  These subconscious reminders will keep me focused on what I am striving towards- running the Boston Marathon, travelling to new places, and continuing to build my coaching business.  You have nothing to loose by creating visual displays of inspiration.  Hopefully, they will bring a smile to your face every time you see them too.

Where do you display your bling and/or vision boards? Do you have your bibs or race shirts displayed too? Send me a photo and I will post it here. mollie@ptmollie.com

Quickie Workout #17

Quickie Workout #17

We are back to full body workout today.  You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.

Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up-1 min of jumping jacks/star jumps, 1 min double high knee jumps (jump up and bring both knees up to hit the palm of your hand. Elbows at 90 degrees, palms facing down), 1 min of jumping jacks/star jumps

1 min- Push/press up on knees or toes

1 min- Forearm plank

1 min- Crab dips

1 min- Forearm plank

1 min- Split squat (Stationary lunge with left foot forward, leaving feet planted and just going up and down)

1 min- Turn 90 degrees to right and do regular squats

1 min- Turn 90 degrees to right and do split squats with right foot forward

1 min- Turn 90 degrees to right and do squats

1 min- Crunches

Bonus minute- Burpees!

Remember if you are feeling good at the end of this workout, repeat it again!

Kill ’em with kindness

Kill ’em with kindness

Here in the UK, 18 – 24 May is Mental Health Awareness week. I have shared my own highs and lows with mental health here on the blog with last year’s theme of body image and through other periods in my life when I have struggled.  Even though I am the ‘Happiness Personal Trainer,’ I still have times when I feel lost, down, or completely unmotivated.  It is something I have experienced my entire life, not just during corona times.  During the current pandemic, I have often felt very helpless to change the world around me, with the lows a bit more extreme and my energy totally zapped.  To help draw me out of the dark shadows, I have made an effort to help others.  It seemed like something I could easily do, sometimes for very little money and even from afar.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I check in with some elderly neighbours on a weekly basis, send brownies to my friends who work for the NHS, and sent snail mail to our friends and family as a pick me up.  I just like to help  (so much so that it sometimes gets me in trouble).  You could even call it showing kindness.

As part of my Science of Well-being course from Coursera (I am always enrolled in something), I had to complete a character strengths test.  The idea behind character strengths is that they are the positive aspects of your personality and influence your day-to-day behaviour. If you want to find a job you love, you should aim to have the top four or five of your character strengths matched in that role.  I was not surprised to see these as my top five (out of the 24 total strengths):

I think because kindness is my #1 and therefore second nature to me, it was really hard for me to write this blog post.  All I want to say is, be kind.  It makes you feel good and others too.  It has been shown to improve mental health, give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside and make you smile (I am making my way through Sonja Lyubomirsky’s The How of Happiness.  Check it out!).  It can create ripples of good deeds, laughter, and smiles that reach so many more people that you originally intended.  I took to Facebook and asked for others to help me speak about kindness.  Here is what they said:

Katie from Orbis Expeditions – “One of the best acts of kindness is when someone gives another person the benefit of the doubt. They don’t assume, they give them a chance and look at what might be behind the reaction. That to be is the ultimate kindness.”

Coach Michael – “Kindness is like love.  Everybody knows it and shows it but it can be described and acted out in so many different ways.”

Stephen from How Many Miles – “I advise my boys that we never know what people are experiencing or why they act the way that they do. That being kind isn’t just about being nice to people you like or care about, but also showing empathy and respect to those you don’t.  I do also say that being kind brings its own rewards. It feels good.”

Showing kindness doesn’t have to cost you much.  It can be as simple as giving a compliment; leaving a love note for someone to find; calling a family member to check in; asking the new person at work to join you for lunch; attending a friend’s choir concert; baking an extra loaf of banana bread for your neighbour; cheering on strangers at the parkrun finish line; taking the day off work to show a visitor around your city; taking one million photos without complaining for the one good Instagram shot; giving away your products or services to people in need; introducing friends who might be able to collaborate; or buying your team coffee or cake from the canteen after a busy morning.  You get the idea.  Personally, I find the creativity part of the fun (see strengths above)!  And the return for not only yourself but also the person you are kind to makes it worth it.

Use #kindnessmatters this week to share your stories of kindness you have observed, given or received and how it has helped your mental health.  You can also tell your story in a comment below..

This post includes an affiliate link which costs the buyer nothing additional and helps cover the cost of running this site.

Quickie Workout #16 – BUM-mer

Quickie Workout #16 – BUM-mer

Today’s workout will target the hips and bum- just in time for summer! You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up- 2 minutes of squats with feet hip width apart. Keep weight in the heel. Stick bum out as if sitting in a chair.  If you can get your thighs parallel to the ground at the bottom of the squat.  Squeeze your bum on the way up.

1 min- Clams with left side down.

1 min- Clams with right side down.

1 min- Kneel on all all 4’s. Raise left knee up to side while keeping knee at 90 degrees (think of a male dog marking his territory on a fire hydrant).

1 min- Kneel on all all 4’s. Raise right knee up to side while keeping knee at 90 degrees (think of a male dog marking his territory on a fire hydrant).

1 min- Roll ups

1 min- Kneel by sitting on feet. Lift bum so it is barely off feet. Swing hips in little circles clockwise for 30 sec, then counter/anti-clockwise for 30 seconds. Keep hips low!  You will feel this in thighs and bum.

1 min- Stand and hold onto the back of a stable chair or counter. Arabesque with the left leg by keeping the leg straight and toe pointed. Raise left leg with little pulses while keeping the chest high and back straight.

1 min- Arabesque with the right leg by keeping the leg straight and toe pointed. Raise right leg with little pulses while keeping the chest high and back straight.

1 min- Continue to hold on to chair for balance. Left knee should be raised at 90 degree angle. Make small circle clockwise for 30 secs then counter/anti-clockwise for 30 seconds. Smaller circles are more effective.

1 min- Continue to hold on to chair for balance. Right knee should be raised at 90 degree angle. Make small circle clockwise for 30 secs then counter/anti-clockwise for 30 seconds. Smaller circles are more effective.

Well done! Be sure to stretch your booty when you are finished with the workout.

May Self-Isolation Fun

May Self-Isolation Fun

How has self-isolation been treating you?  Whether your government calls it lockdown, sheltering-in-place or something else, you are probably home more than you are used to.  If you follow me on social media, you might have seen my link for a 28 day self-isolation challenge.  It offer something relatively simple to do each day.  It could be trying something new, cooking, completing a workout or connecting with a friend.  The calendar also allows you to track what days you drink and how often you are active.  Although I shared it in April, there is no reason why you can’t start today if you missed it.

We switch to a different format for May.  I have a few bingo cards for you to try out.  Since watching The Phantom of the Opera on YouTube, I have been addicted to AccuRadio’s mutiple Broadway musical channels.  This has inspired me to create classic and modern musicals bingo cards (there are two different sets for each category for a total of 96 shows).  You can either listen to the soundtrack or watch the film of the musical in a square to cross the square out.  Click here to download them as one file.

Musicals aren’t for everybody, but I believe chocolate is, so I asked my good friend, Katie from Cake vs. Scales, to create a chocolate lovers bingo board.  She went above and beyond by thinking up two chocolate heavy themes.  Please remember if you have any food allergies or intolerance to please check all ingredients before consuming our suggested treats.

First up is a Baking Desserts Bingo.  Katie put together 20 of her favourite dessert recipes (many from her own website) and I added a few more that I love (such as my cookie dough guilty pleasure and Guinness cupcakes with whiskey ganache).   You can download 30 different boards here and then the recipe links can be found here.  This is a good one to challenge friends and family to.  Book in a night baking together and see who has the best presentation.  Take photos and tag us on Instagram (@ptmollie and @cakevsscales) so we see what you get up to.

The other bingo challenge Katie developed for me was with different types of chocolate bars.  Many are only available in the UK, so I in addition to the UK chocolate bar bingo game, I also created a US candy bar version for my readers in the States (aka my mom).

If chocolate or musicals don’t make you happy, why not create your own bingo game?  There are lots of websites that allow you to create unique boards.  You can use films, TV shows, breakfast foods, chores, homework assignments, whatever you fancy really, to generate 30 different cards.  Then you can play against friends and family.  Our bingo cards are meant to spark some joy but I know these specific ones will not appeal to everyone.  There is nothing stopping you from making your own fun with a little bit of creativity and bingo.

Leave a comment below and let me know which card you tried and how you did.

Quickie Workout #15

Quickie Workout #15

You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up- 2-3 minute brisk walk or jog (you should break into a light sweat, if not keep going!)

1 min- Step ups on a curb or step. (Step up with your right foot, then your left foot. Step back down with your right foot and follow with your left foot. Do this for 30 seconds then switch to left foot leading.)

1 min- Triceps dip on the curb or step. Keep hips close to step and only use arms to go up and down.

30 sec- Side plank with left arm on the bottom. Keep hips up (don’t let them sag).

30 sec- Side plank with right arm on the bottom. Keep hips up (don’t let them sag).

1 min- Calf raises on low step or curb.

1 min- Shuffle to the right for 3 steps (keep low in a squat) and then punch across your chest with left hand. Go back the other way (shuffle left for 3 steps and punch with right hand).

1 min- Feet hip width apart, squat so bum is out and weight is in your heels. When you go to stand up straight, raise your hands above your head. Repeat.

1 min- Pretend you are hitting a speed bag (from boxing) with alternating hands that is just above your forehead. You don’t need to extend your arms fully. Keep the feet moving too by bouncing on your toes. Be quick!

1 min- Run in place and get your knees up high!

1 min- Press/Push ups using the steps to make it easier (at an incline) or harder (decline).

This workout is a bit more cardio than the others. Feel free to mix and match with one of the previous quickies.

Virtual physiotherapy appointment

Virtual physiotherapy appointment

Long-time readers of my blog know that I have been working with Function360 Physiotherapy clinic on a gifted basis for many years.  Their team is knowledgeable, friendly, and genuinely wants you to achieve your sport and fitness goals.  They will get you to the start line if you are willing to put in the work (my motivation to do my homework sadly comes and goes).  Unfortunately, the London lockdown meant they had to temporarily close their clinic in Moorgate for in-person sessions.  The good news is that their team is still available for virtual appointments. Even better is that this means anyone in the world can now receive their excellent care (as long as you have internet and a web cam of some kind, of course).  At the bottom of this post are my tips on how to make your virtual appointment a success.  You can also use my discount code #F360MM15 for a 15% discount.

Normally, I check in at the clinic once or twice a month to see how my injuries are and receive soft tissue therapy where I am tight (there is always something tight).  Since lockdown, I haven’t checked in as I was barely running and life was very busy with work and the puppy.  My mindset towards fitness has finally changed back to a ‘let’s do it’ attitude, with the aim to workout twice a week, so now I have no excuse not to get my physiotherapy done too.

I set up the appointment via email and my confirmation sent info on how the appointment would be made over Skype.  I was seeing a new-to-me therapist, Victoria, and wanted to make sure I had a good set up as she would need to complete her own assessment of my abilities.  She actually WhatsApp’ed me a few minutes prior to the appointment start time to make sure I was ready.  We had a good connection so just stayed on the line for the rest of my appointment, which was actually better as I had to move my phone to the floor.  This would have been trickier with my laptop.

Victoria had spoke to Emma, who I had been working with for over a year, and reviewed  my records.  She asked for my version of what happened and I think I passed that with flying colors!  She also reminded me that I was waiting for a GP referral to a sports clinic (which I will chase up once I am able to go to the doctor again).  After our brief chat, she had me sit on the floor and move my feet in different ways to see what my current range of motion is.  She also had my do squats, stand on one leg at a time, and perform single leg calf lifts.  These are all things I would normally do in the clinic with a new therapist not only so they can see now my lower body moves but also to look for progress from previous visits.

I found Victoria really easy to talk to and she had lots of ideas on what I should be focusing on for the next few weeks before we check in again.  When I explained I did an April run streak with very little pain, she was very encouraging that the drop in mileage probably helped my body rest a bit.  It should now be in a better place when I ramp up my strength training again.  She also asked about how much time I am able to set aside for my physiotherapy homework and prioritized the exercises so I know what I have to do, what I should do and what I can do if I am a lady of leisure.  My updated plan was sent to me within 24 hours so now I am able to get to work.  Even though I don’t have any races in the near future (fingers crossed for September!), putting the work in now to strengthen and stabilize will have a positive impact on my running form and pacing.  We are following up again in two weeks time so the accountability is very motivating to stick to the plan.

Of course, in a virtual appointment, you cannot receive manual therapy, such as deep tissue massage, dry needling, or joint manipulation.  Other than this, I felt the appointment was very similar to what I would normally do when I visit the clinic.  My goal is to be a strong and balanced runner, and I will still be able to achieve that with their virtual help (although I do miss a good sports massage!).

if you are a runner with a niggle or pain, you should reach out to the Function360 team (don’t forget my discount code #F360MM15)  Or if you have started working from home in a less-that-ideal set up, get in touch with them too.  As these virtutal appointments are a new concept to most people, here are my tips for a successful virtual physiotherapy appointment (some of these will depend on your injury, but as the hip bone is connected to the leg bone and all that, your therapist might want to see how your body moves):

  • To save some time, remove your shoes and socks before the appointment.
  • Wear clothes that allow you to move freely while allowing the physio to see your body move too.  (If you have been to a physiotherapist before, wear the same type of clothes).  I wear booty shorts with a t-shirt and then a sports bra in case I need to take my shirt off.  If you are comfortable showing a regular bra, that is fine too.
  • Set up the space for your appointment to allow for movement and even sitting on the floor. Ensure there is good lighting and if possible, a plain background.  If you are wearing black, try not to have a dark background as that will make it harder for the therapist to see you move.
  • Most importantly, figure out the technology side of things 10 minutes before your appointment!

Let me know if you book in and how it goes.  It is important to take care of your body in times like these. No one should have to suffer in pain, no matter what your exercise of choice is.

If you are a runner, why not book in for Function360’s running webinar on 12 May 5pm (London time) where you can learn to run faster and injury free.  Take advantage of lockdown to work on imbalances and develop your strength.  These steps will pay out loads when we are able to race again.  To learn more and book in, visit running webinar info page here.  Hope to see you there!

Ring light not required for a good appointment. 🙂

Quickie Workout #14

Quickie Workout #14

You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial with me.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.  As always, remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Warm up-1 minute of squats (sticking bum out and having weight in your heels) then 1 min jumping jacks/star jumps.

1 min- Walking lunges (take a step forward each time you switch legs). Remember to think about sinking the back knee to the ground rather than pushing front knee forward.

1 min- Squat and lift one knee up. Squat again (with two feet on the ground) and lift the other knee at the top. Repeat.

1 min- Push ups/Press ups against a wall or counter, on your knees, or “regular.”

1 min- On your hands and knees, lift the right knee up and out to the side while keeping it at a 90 degree angle. Return to starting position and repeat.  I call these the “fire hydrant.”

1 min- As last interval, but with the left knee.

1 min- Push ups/Press ups against a wall or counter, on your knees or “regular.”

1 min- Crunches- try to raise your shoulder blades off the ground.  Look up and behind you to avoid straining your neck.

1 min- Supermans- Lay on your stomach with arms extended above your head.  Lift opposite arm and opposite leg up off the ground so you feel your lower back working.  It doesn’t need to be very high.  Lower limbs down to ground and repeat with other arm and leg.  More advanced is to lift all four limbs off the ground at once.  Remember, it doesn’t need to be high off the ground.  Just enough to feel lower back contract.

Still feeling good? Do it again!

Lessons from lockdown

Lessons from lockdown

We started lockdown (due to coronavirus) in the UK on 30 March 2020.  The rules are you can only leave your home once a day to exercise; dogs can be walked once a day; you can travel to work if you are unable to complete your job from home; if you leave your home you must keep two meters away from others.  Like many other countries and cities, the rules are not black and white, leaving some room for interpretation (such as, how long can I exercise for), but overall you are meant to stay home and not socialize with others.  We are very fortunate to have a garden and be able to work mostly from home (I have to go in every other week and can cycle there).  Maple has also been a nice distraction, but lockdown has made socialising her a bit complicated too.  We are doing the best we can when out on walks (she loves watching people walk by) and hope she doesn’t turn out weird.

Between working, worrying, and puppying, my days have been pretty intense and varied.  I haven’t quite managed to set up a proper routine yet.  I thought I would share a few things I have learned on lockdown, along with how I am coping.  Perhaps you can resonate with some, or can you add to the list?


As I mentioned above, I am very grateful that my husband and I are still both employed full time and also have a garden space to enjoy.  We are still allowed to go outside and visit shops without seeking government permission.  That is a big relief.  I am grateful that so far, my family has been healthy and we have been communicating more often that usual.  I am grateful to have Maple to keep us distracted from the scary stuff going on outside our front door.  She is a good cuddler too.


Both the puppy and the virus are helping me with this one.  Maple is a puppy and needs time to learn and explore.  She tends to sit and stare unexpectedly on our walks.  I try to let her do so as she is observing the world as it goes by.  When I go for a run, I need to take it easy to allow for social distancing, waiting for traffic so I can stay 2 meters apart from pedestrians, and to not be frustrated with my lack of structured training.  We have also learned patience waiting for deliveries, booking grocery delivery slots, and how in general, things are working a little bit differently out in the world.  In this day and age, Amazon Prime and internet downloads have gotten us so used to instant gratification.  We are learning to live at a slower pace now.


The serenity prayer is something I have embraced for a long time.  Not because I am recovering, but because it is a good reminder that I should not waste energy trying to control things that I cannot.  I tend to have high standards and expect everyone to have the same values that I do. I am reminded that this is not the case on a daily basis, especially in lockdown.

The thing I am having the most trouble accepting is the amount of gloves, masks, and cleaning wipes I see in my local park and on the sidewalks of my street.  People can be so selfish and it is really disappointing (deep breaths).

Here is a link to a printable PDF should you want to hang the image in your home.

The power of napping

Maple still doesn’t sleep through the night.  After a few weeks of letting her cry and spending an hour coaxing her back to sleep, we now set an alarm to wake her up to use the loo at midnight and 3am.  She then wakes up at 5:15am for breakfast.  Sometimes I sleep from 7-9am and it is glorious.  (I am grateful for a flexible working schedule!)

Many people have shared with me that they are finding it hard to sleep or the quality of the sleep they are getting isn’t as good as it used to be.  Self-compassion key here.  Your sympathetic nervous system is on overload.  Being constantly on edge may not be something you are aware of, but this could be why you are finding it hard to sleep.  Take a nap if you want to.  Stay in bed longer if you need to.


With no many things out of my control, I have been blessed to channel some energy in to supporting others in my local community.  We posted a note through the houses on my street, letting folks know we are here to help if they need it due to self-isolation or illness.  I was pleasantly surprised to have several responses from others willing to help and we now have a Whatsapp group.  Two elderly neighbors let me know they are self-isolating, so I text them once a week to check in.

I have also been doing my best to support small business and my friends who work for the NHS.  Hustle Bakes will post brownies to you or a friend.  Dook of Edinburgh make luxury handmade soaps which are the perfect treat for you or a friend who washes their hands a lot.  We are also trying to visit the local shops near us more for fruit and veg, rather than the big chains.  I even paid my hairdresser ahead of time so that she can pay her bills.  She works out of her home as a freelancer and cannot see clients right now.


Along with supporting small businesses, we have been donating to various fundraisers and charities to help the NHS, the art foundations offering special programming on the television and internet, and those organizations that offer support to vulnerable people and animals.  Don’t get me wrong, we are not donating a lot, but if everyone donated a few quid here and there, it would add up (just look at Captain Tom Moore!).


Working from home while my team is on site, alongside working from home while my husband does the same has really helped me learn to communicate more effective in several modalities.  At home, I still choose my battles if something is bothering me but I am not waiting as long to address it.  Usually, I am not a confrontational person and James and I tend to be very independent.  However, we are now spending a lot of time together, are sometimes frustrated about the puppy and neither of us have slept the night through in six weeks (due to the dog).

The things I miss

With my injuries, I haven’t been at track much this year, but I do miss my Advent Running family and going to parkrun on Saturday mornings with James (he always beats me).  I also miss seeing my blogger friends at fitness events in London, going to Function360 for my physiotherapy check ups (I am going to schedule a virtual appointment soon), and hitting the gym before work.  Of course, travelling is something that was a big part of our lives before Covid-19 and I am not sure when we will be able to start that up again.  James misses going to the pub.  Each to their own, I guess.

As this pandemic continues, I am sure we will continue to learn more about ourselves and others.  If your lockdown rules are starting to lift, I would love to hear how it makes you feel and if there is anything from lockdown you will continue with or if you plan on returning to life as you previously knew it.  Leave a comment below and let me know.

Quickie Workout #13 – Tabata

Quickie Workout #13 – Tabata

You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals or download a Tabata interval timer app. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial.

Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Don’t forget to breathe! Please email me if you want tips on how to make the quickies easier or more challenging (mollie@ptmollie.com).

Tabata is a high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise technique that lasts 4 minutes. Within that 4 minutes, you perform eight intervals that each last 20 seconds with 10 seconds of rest in between. For those 20 seconds, you should go all out to almost your maximum effort for as many reps as you can.  I hope you are ready for this!

Warm up: By walking or running for 2-5 minutes until you break into a light sweat.

First 4 minutes: Squats 20 seconds on, 10 seconds of rest 8X.

One minute of rest.

Next 4 minutes: Push/press ups 20 seconds on, 10 seconds of rest 8X.

One minute of rest.

Next 4 minutes: Mountain climbers 20 seconds on, 10 seconds of rest 8X.

One minute of rest.

Final 4 minutes: Reverse curls (lift hips up in air) 20 seconds on, 10 seconds of rest 8X.

You are done! I can’t wait to hear how it goes.