Happiness Advent – 1st December

Happiness Advent – 1st December

Hello and welcome to my annual advent calendar.  This year, in addition to the usual motivational graphics, I am adding in positive suggestions to help you find and share happiness.

See something you like?  Feel free to print out the post and hang it somewhere where you will see it on a daily basis.

Later on this month, there will also be a Christmas wish list and a giveaway.  Keep checking back so you don’t miss out.

Happiness Advent – 1st December

Happiness Advent – 1st December

Hello and welcome to my annual advent calendar.  This year, in addition to the usual motivational graphics, I am adding in positive suggestions to help you find and share happiness.

See something you like?  Feel free to print out the post and hang it somewhere where you will see it on a daily basis.

Later on this month, there will also be a Christmas wish list and a giveaway.  Keep checking back so you don’t miss out.

Adventures are for everybody

Adventures are for everybody

As part of the Decathlon Bloggers’ Community, I was very happy to take part in their recent #sportforeverybody campaign.  We wanted to demonstrate that anyone, no matter what there size or shape, is able to over their body in a way they enjoy.  Most people think running is how they should get fit, but they actually don’t like running.  One of the concepts I try to get across here on my blog is that you need to do what you love.  Of course, you need to be a bit brave to try something new (and maybe a bit wacky) but you never know unless you try.  This concept doesn’t just apply to sports, in my opinion, but also for going on adventures.

I have been so blessed that 2018 has been a big year of adventure for me.  I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and ran my first ultra marathon, which happened to be in a desert (race review coming soon). I also tried camping at a running festival in Wales and attended a yoga festival too.  Turns out when you try new things, you need the equipment to go along with it.   Because I wasn’t sure if I would actually enjoy all of these new experiences, I didn’t want to invest too much in the kit and supplies.  When selecting what to invest is (vs borrow or hire), I reviewed the recommended packing lists and then made selections based on what I know about myself.

Inside of my 3-person black out tent.  Sleeping bag and borrowed mat on the right.  All my kit and foot on the left.

When planning for your adventure, consider if you are usually hot or cold.  Me?  I am always cold so it was worth it to me to invest in warm things.  For example, I wanted to own a sleeping bag rather than borrow someone else’s (who knows the last time it was washed?).  My Forclaz Helium sleeping bag* was warm enough for normal people to be out in 0 degree weather. I know myself, so I also used a sleeping bag liner* when camping in Wales and on Mount Kilimanjaro, which meant I was snug as a bug in a rug in these extreme (for me) temps.  Then I used the liner by itself (instead of my sleeping bag) when camping in the desert.  I also packed it as an act of desperation in case I couldn’t find a place to sleep in JFK airport during a 9 hour layover.  Sleeping bags are something I would recommend investing in due to hygiene and maintaining a suitable body temperature.  Nowadays, sleeping bags pack down small so they don’t take up too much storage space.

In case you hadn’t guess, I like sleeping but am a light sleeper due to various factors.  I need to make sure I a comfortable no matter where I am (except I’m the car.  I have no trouble falling asleep there).  A sleeping mat or inflatable mattress is something that not everyone will need so it is a good thing to borrow from a friend.  If you are travelling solo, a sleeping mat is a good option but can still be a bit bulky to carry.  If the ground won’t be too rocky or cold, you might not even need it.

We now have an air mattress* for when I go camping with my husband.  It helps keep us insulated from the ground and we don’t need to be spend too much time selecting the perfect place to pitch our tent.  We had some friends visit last month and they used it in our living room as our normal inflatable mattress had a leak.  The Quechua Air Comfort mattress was super easy to inflate with the built-in foot pump. Even though it wasn’t very thick, my friends said it was comfortable and warm.  Again, it depends on how light a sleep you are and how much space you have if you need to invest in one or borrow from a friend.

My husband needs complete darkness to sleep, no matter where he is.  It wasn’t until a friend mentioned waking up with the sun at Love Trails Festival, that I realized how amazing our Quechua black out tent* is.  No long are we at the whim of sunrise when camping.  We can sleep as late as we want!  It is also great having a zippered ‘porch’ to store our shoes, which keeps the inside of the tent clean.  The waterproof bottom goes about six inches up the sides as well, ensuring dry kit on the rainy days.  A tent is something you can also borrow from a friend but if you start to go on adventures more often, it would probably be easier to have it on hand for last minute escapes.

Having a few cooking/eating containers is a good idea. It is always best be prepared for any adventure at any time.  You will always need to eat when you are out exploring.  I highly recommend a multi purpose pot* (as above) to cook food in or prepare overnight oats.  This one also fits on my camping stove, which is fantastic.  I also have a handy thick plastic bowl that doesn’t conduct heat, making it easy to hold when the foot is piping hot.

This insulated mug was it was on my list of required kit for my ultra.  I never used it though because I don’t drink coffee or tea.  It is handy to have in London for hot chocolates on cold days as we are making more of an effort to carry our own hot drink cups.  I already carry a stainless steel water bottle with me at all times.

It isn’t an adventure without have to use a compass,* right?  Decathlon’s basic model is on a lanyard with a transparent background to allow for map reading and orienteering.  My husband, a geographer by training, was super excited when I brought it home.  If you are just starting out with adventures, you might be able to borrow a compass when you need one but they are inexpensive and small so why not get one and practice your map reading skills?  If there are maps involved on your trip, definitely have one.  Your mobile phone won’t always have reception or battery power.  You might have to go old school.

Just because I did some pretty crazy trips abroad this year, don’t think you need to do the same to be on an adventure. Micro adventures, such as camping in the backyard and going on a long walk that ends in a pub, are equally exciting. I like to think adventures take you into unknown or unusual situations which might even be outside your comfort zone.  It is here that you will find personal growth.

A group of Adventure Queens

Also, remember you don’t have to go solo.  If you would rather have someone else figure out all the details, signing up for an adventure with a tour group is a great option.  In my opinion, it still counts as an adventure.  And it saves you a lot of hassle and headaches if someone else plans the logistics, knows the area, and can advise you on how to prepare. Why make things harder for yourself as you build your confidence in trying new things?  You will meet a bunch of new people on the trip who are interested in the same things you are too.

I hope my suggestions on what kit you need to own versus borrow have inspired you to get out there and find an adventure! Remember, if you need some inexpensive but quality kit, definitely check out Decathlon.  Their stock tends to be seasonal so keep that in mind if you are planning head.  If you don’t have a lot of room for new kit or don’t have a friend with what you need, Decathlon also hires out kit and has a 365 day return policy.  Getting a car to carry everything might be the only obstacle to overcome.  (I am serious.  I will never go camping via public transport again).

What is a piece of adventure kit that you can’t live without?  What do you tend to borrow?  Leave a comment below and let me know.

Thanks to Decathlon get for gifting me the items marked with a * as part of their Bloggers’ Community.  Items linked without an * are items I bought from Decathlon.  All opinions are honest and my own.

Adventures are for everybody

Adventures are for everybody

As part of the Decathlon Bloggers’ Community, I was very happy to take part in their recent #sportforeverybody campaign.  We wanted to demonstrate that anyone, no matter what there size or shape, is able to over their body in a way they enjoy.  Most people think running is how they should get fit, but they actually don’t like running.  One of the concepts I try to get across here on my blog is that you need to do what you love.  Of course, you need to be a bit brave to try something new (and maybe a bit wacky) but you never know unless you try.  This concept doesn’t just apply to sports, in my opinion, but also for going on adventures.

I have been so blessed that 2018 has been a big year of adventure for me.  I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and ran my first ultra marathon, which happened to be in a desert (race review coming soon). I also tried camping at a running festival in Wales and attended a yoga festival too.  Turns out when you try new things, you need the equipment to go along with it.   Because I wasn’t sure if I would actually enjoy all of these new experiences, I didn’t want to invest too much in the kit and supplies.  When selecting what to invest is (vs borrow or hire), I reviewed the recommended packing lists and then made selections based on what I know about myself.

Inside of my 3-person black out tent.  Sleeping bag and borrowed mat on the right.  All my kit and foot on the left.

When planning for your adventure, consider if you are usually hot or cold.  Me?  I am always cold so it was worth it to me to invest in warm things.  For example, I wanted to own a sleeping bag rather than borrow someone else’s (who knows the last time it was washed?).  My Forclaz Helium sleeping bag* was warm enough for normal people to be out in 0 degree weather. I know myself, so I also used a sleeping bag liner* when camping in Wales and on Mount Kilimanjaro, which meant I was snug as a bug in a rug in these extreme (for me) temps.  Then I used the liner by itself (instead of my sleeping bag) when camping in the desert.  I also packed it as an act of desperation in case I couldn’t find a place to sleep in JFK airport during a 9 hour layover.  Sleeping bags are something I would recommend investing in due to hygiene and maintaining a suitable body temperature.  Nowadays, sleeping bags pack down small so they don’t take up too much storage space.

In case you hadn’t guess, I like sleeping but am a light sleeper due to various factors.  I need to make sure I a comfortable no matter where I am (except I’m the car.  I have no trouble falling asleep there).  A sleeping mat or inflatable mattress is something that not everyone will need so it is a good thing to borrow from a friend.  If you are travelling solo, a sleeping mat is a good option but can still be a bit bulky to carry.  If the ground won’t be too rocky or cold, you might not even need it.

We now have an air mattress* for when I go camping with my husband.  It helps keep us insulated from the ground and we don’t need to be spend too much time selecting the perfect place to pitch our tent.  We had some friends visit last month and they used it in our living room as our normal inflatable mattress had a leak.  The Quechua Air Comfort mattress was super easy to inflate with the built-in foot pump. Even though it wasn’t very thick, my friends said it was comfortable and warm.  Again, it depends on how light a sleep you are and how much space you have if you need to invest in one or borrow from a friend.

My husband needs complete darkness to sleep, no matter where he is.  It wasn’t until a friend mentioned waking up with the sun at Love Trails Festival, that I realized how amazing our Quechua black out tent* is.  No long are we at the whim of sunrise when camping.  We can sleep as late as we want!  It is also great having a zippered ‘porch’ to store our shoes, which keeps the inside of the tent clean.  The waterproof bottom goes about six inches up the sides as well, ensuring dry kit on the rainy days.  A tent is something you can also borrow from a friend but if you start to go on adventures more often, it would probably be easier to have it on hand for last minute escapes.

Having a few cooking/eating containers is a good idea. It is always best be prepared for any adventure at any time.  You will always need to eat when you are out exploring.  I highly recommend a multi purpose pot* (as above) to cook food in or prepare overnight oats.  This one also fits on my camping stove, which is fantastic.  I also have a handy thick plastic bowl that doesn’t conduct heat, making it easy to hold when the foot is piping hot.

This insulated mug was it was on my list of required kit for my ultra.  I never used it though because I don’t drink coffee or tea.  It is handy to have in London for hot chocolates on cold days as we are making more of an effort to carry our own hot drink cups.  I already carry a stainless steel water bottle with me at all times.

It isn’t an adventure without have to use a compass,* right?  Decathlon’s basic model is on a lanyard with a transparent background to allow for map reading and orienteering.  My husband, a geographer by training, was super excited when I brought it home.  If you are just starting out with adventures, you might be able to borrow a compass when you need one but they are inexpensive and small so why not get one and practice your map reading skills?  If there are maps involved on your trip, definitely have one.  Your mobile phone won’t always have reception or battery power.  You might have to go old school.

Just because I did some pretty crazy trips abroad this year, don’t think you need to do the same to be on an adventure. Micro adventures, such as camping in the backyard and going on a long walk that ends in a pub, are equally exciting. I like to think adventures take you into unknown or unusual situations which might even be outside your comfort zone.  It is here that you will find personal growth.

A group of Adventure Queens

Also, remember you don’t have to go solo.  If you would rather have someone else figure out all the details, signing up for an adventure with a tour group is a great option.  In my opinion, it still counts as an adventure.  And it saves you a lot of hassle and headaches if someone else plans the logistics, knows the area, and can advise you on how to prepare. Why make things harder for yourself as you build your confidence in trying new things?  You will meet a bunch of new people on the trip who are interested in the same things you are too.

I hope my suggestions on what kit you need to own versus borrow have inspired you to get out there and find an adventure! Remember, if you need some inexpensive but quality kit, definitely check out Decathlon.  Their stock tends to be seasonal so keep that in mind if you are planning head.  If you don’t have a lot of room for new kit or don’t have a friend with what you need, Decathlon also hires out kit and has a 365 day return policy.  Getting a car to carry everything might be the only obstacle to overcome.  (I am serious.  I will never go camping via public transport again).

What is a piece of adventure kit that you can’t live without?  What do you tend to borrow?  Leave a comment below and let me know.

Thanks to Decathlon get for gifting me the items marked with a * as part of their Bloggers’ Community.  Items linked without an * are items I bought from Decathlon.  All opinions are honest and my own.

Race Review: Ragnar Relay UK

Race Review: Ragnar Relay UK

Ragnar Randoms- ready to go at the start line.  Photo from team captain, Natalie.

Ragar Relay has been on my radar for a while.  It is HUGE in the USA and my sister-in-law takes part a few times a year (she is really fit BTW).  This year was the second year it was held in the UK and I think it lived up to the hype (aside from the typical British weather).  If you like adventure, sleeping in smelly cars, and have some friends who also enjoy running, this might be the perfect race for you.

Ready to run.

Entries and fees:
The entry fee was £95 per person as we entered in April with an early bird fee..  Then we had to add on van hire, petrol, team t-shirts, van decorations, and transport to the start and back home again.  We decided to keep it as affordable as possible.  Some teams also made magnets to put on other cars but we skipped this.  Maybe if we had been more organized, we could have done it.  Most people on the team brought food and snacks for 24 hours, although we were given bags full of candy, snacks, and energy drinks at the start.

The race had staggered start based on submitted average run times.  We started at 10am which was perfect as no one had to sleep near the start line.  Before you start, there is a safety check of high vis, head torches and back lights, as well as a compulsory safety video.  All of the Ragnar staff at the start area were super helpful.

Running along the sea

Course and bogs: The course was a little different than last year.  We started near Sittingbourne and ended in Brighton, running along the coast as much as possible.  I was super excited to see the White Cliffs of Dover (it was a big selling point when deciding to sign up).  Unfortunately, it was dark when I ran over them so I will need to go back another time.   I did spot some chalk in the mud as I climbed up the cliff path to overlook port of Dover.

The majority of the checkpoints were small car parks or along the side of the road.  Every 5th checkpoints was big as the teams hand over to their other vehicle.  There were stands with coffee, a small selection of food, and of course, port-a-loos.  The small check points also had port-a-loos but they didn’t always have toilet paper.

We had terrible, cold rainy weather the weekend of our race.  Four legs were cancelled due to the rain and unsafe conditions, some later in the day.  Unfortunately, one of them was the Ragnar Leg (27 out of 30, which earns the person who completes it an extra medal).  The organizers decided to give the medal to one team member who ran the last two legs.  The only thing was (due to logistics) that they gave you the medal before you actually ran either.  Our fearless captain, Natalie, was due to run the Ragnar Leg.  She dug deep and was able to run the last two legs, which were the equivalent of a half marathon, after living in a van for over 24 hours with barely any sleep.  Well done, Nat!

T-shirt with a summary of the weekend.

Location: Ragnar Relay started off in the USA and are now expanding globally.  This race was along the southeast coast of London, covering about 120 miles.  This was split between each team of 10 (although you can also do as a team of 5 for an ultra Ragnar).  It seemed like most of the runs this year were in the rain and/or dark though, which was a bummer.

There is a Ragnar Relay app, which gave you info on all the checkpoints, but I didn’t find it very helpful when I got lost in a cow field.  It was crucial when we were racing runners from checkpoint to checkpoint though.  Be sure to pack a mobile phone holder that attaches to the windshield to hold your phone as you navigate from check point to check point.

In June 2019, Ragnar Relay is headed to Sweden and I would love to take part!  Who’s in?

Night stage was full of disco lights and high-vis

Atmosphere: My team had great banter over WhatsApp and very fun vibes in my van.  At the big exchanges, everyone was chatty and friendly, even though the weather was grim.  There really weren’t any spectators cheering you along the route on however, so at times it was a bit lonely.  There was also potential to get lost because the sign posts were only at major junctions.  You were supposed to be able to follow along on the app, but I struggled with this (I don’t get along with technology).  The race does give you a chance to enjoy nature if you had a leg through the woods or along the coast.  The runners were really spread out due to staggered starts and hand over logistics.

Race bling and goody bag:  The team was given 10 medals that interlock with each other.  On the back of each one is a Ragnar Relay quote, some of which resonated with each team member.  I wasn’t too choosy, so I let everyone else have first dibs on their medals.  At the end, everyone was given a free drink token and a voucher for one (small) pizza to share.  Most of the goodies were in the bags given to each van at the start.  Also included in the starter bags were sunscreen, lanyards, ear plugs, and disposable rain ponchos.

We did it!  Celebrating at the finish line.  Photo from Paz.

Tips if you want to take part next time:  Before Ragnar Relay, I had completed a few relay events, some while camping (at the Spitfire Scramble) and some while on the road (Fitbit Fifty).  Here are my tips for Ragnar Relay:

  • Practice running at weird hours so you know what to eat, how cold/hot you will get, and feel comfortable running in the dark.
  • Pack a Dry Robe, blanket, or sleeping bag.  I did none of these as I was on public transport and 100% regret it.  A pillow is a good idea too (maybe an inflatable one?)
  • Aim to get to the next checkpoint ASAP rather than leisurely change your clothes.  We were late a few times and felt bad to have our team mate waiting in the rain.
  • Discuss with the team who is bringing what.  You only need one foam roller per van but everyone needs their own battery pack to charge their phones.
  • You will need to bring water but will not be able to eat all of the food.  We had time to go out for pizza on the earlier break when Van 2 was running but then slept during our second break.
  • Bring along a new set of clothes for each leg, and then pack another.  I would have run the last leg if I had dry kit to wear.  The sun was out and most of the team was running. 
  • Keep the sweaty clothes in big zip lock bags to prevent the car from stinking up.
  • Make sure you have enough data on your mobile plan for all of the WhatsApp chats.

Some of the above I got from other people before I ran the race.  Do you have any others to add?  Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks to Simplyhealth for sponsoring my 4×4 Challenge.  You can click here to learn about their new Active Plan, which is perfect for people who like to stay fit and healthy.

Race Review: Ragnar Relay UK

Race Review: Ragnar Relay UK

Ragnar Randoms- ready to go at the start line.  Photo from team captain, Natalie.

Ragar Relay has been on my radar for a while.  It is HUGE in the USA and my sister-in-law takes part a few times a year (she is really fit BTW).  This year was the second year it was held in the UK and I think it lived up to the hype (aside from the typical British weather).  If you like adventure, sleeping in smelly cars, and have some friends who also enjoy running, this might be the perfect race for you.

Ready to run.

Entries and fees:
The entry fee was £95 per person as we entered in April with an early bird fee..  Then we had to add on van hire, petrol, team t-shirts, van decorations, and transport to the start and back home again.  We decided to keep it as affordable as possible.  Some teams also made magnets to put on other cars but we skipped this.  Maybe if we had been more organized, we could have done it.  Most people on the team brought food and snacks for 24 hours, although we were given bags full of candy, snacks, and energy drinks at the start.

The race had staggered start based on submitted average run times.  We started at 10am which was perfect as no one had to sleep near the start line.  Before you start, there is a safety check of high vis, head torches and back lights, as well as a compulsory safety video.  All of the Ragnar staff at the start area were super helpful.

Running along the sea

Course and bogs: The course was a little different than last year.  We started near Sittingbourne and ended in Brighton, running along the coast as much as possible.  I was super excited to see the White Cliffs of Dover (it was a big selling point when deciding to sign up).  Unfortunately, it was dark when I ran over them so I will need to go back another time.   I did spot some chalk in the mud as I climbed up the cliff path to overlook port of Dover.

The majority of the checkpoints were small car parks or along the side of the road.  Every 5th checkpoints was big as the teams hand over to their other vehicle.  There were stands with coffee, a small selection of food, and of course, port-a-loos.  The small check points also had port-a-loos but they didn’t always have toilet paper.

We had terrible, cold rainy weather the weekend of our race.  Four legs were cancelled due to the rain and unsafe conditions, some later in the day.  Unfortunately, one of them was the Ragnar Leg (27 out of 30, which earns the person who completes it an extra medal).  The organizers decided to give the medal to one team member who ran the last two legs.  The only thing was (due to logistics) that they gave you the medal before you actually ran either.  Our fearless captain, Natalie, was due to run the Ragnar Leg.  She dug deep and was able to run the last two legs, which were the equivalent of a half marathon, after living in a van for over 24 hours with barely any sleep.  Well done, Nat!

T-shirt with a summary of the weekend.

Location: Ragnar Relay started off in the USA and are now expanding globally.  This race was along the southeast coast of London, covering about 120 miles.  This was split between each team of 10 (although you can also do as a team of 5 for an ultra Ragnar).  It seemed like most of the runs this year were in the rain and/or dark though, which was a bummer.

There is a Ragnar Relay app, which gave you info on all the checkpoints, but I didn’t find it very helpful when I got lost in a cow field.  It was crucial when we were racing runners from checkpoint to checkpoint though.  Be sure to pack a mobile phone holder that attaches to the windshield to hold your phone as you navigate from check point to check point.

In June 2019, Ragnar Relay is headed to Sweden and I would love to take part!  Who’s in?

Night stage was full of disco lights and high-vis

Atmosphere: My team had great banter over WhatsApp and very fun vibes in my van.  At the big exchanges, everyone was chatty and friendly, even though the weather was grim.  There really weren’t any spectators cheering you along the route on however, so at times it was a bit lonely.  There was also potential to get lost because the sign posts were only at major junctions.  You were supposed to be able to follow along on the app, but I struggled with this (I don’t get along with technology).  The race does give you a chance to enjoy nature if you had a leg through the woods or along the coast.  The runners were really spread out due to staggered starts and hand over logistics.

Race bling and goody bag:  The team was given 10 medals that interlock with each other.  On the back of each one is a Ragnar Relay quote, some of which resonated with each team member.  I wasn’t too choosy, so I let everyone else have first dibs on their medals.  At the end, everyone was given a free drink token and a voucher for one (small) pizza to share.  Most of the goodies were in the bags given to each van at the start.  Also included in the starter bags were sunscreen, lanyards, ear plugs, and disposable rain ponchos.

We did it!  Celebrating at the finish line.  Photo from Paz.

Tips if you want to take part next time:  Before Ragnar Relay, I had completed a few relay events, some while camping (at the Spitfire Scramble) and some while on the road (Fitbit Fifty).  Here are my tips for Ragnar Relay:

  • Practice running at weird hours so you know what to eat, how cold/hot you will get, and feel comfortable running in the dark.
  • Pack a Dry Robe, blanket, or sleeping bag.  I did none of these as I was on public transport and 100% regret it.  A pillow is a good idea too (maybe an inflatable one?)
  • Aim to get to the next checkpoint ASAP rather than leisurely change your clothes.  We were late a few times and felt bad to have our team mate waiting in the rain.
  • Discuss with the team who is bringing what.  You only need one foam roller per van but everyone needs their own battery pack to charge their phones.
  • You will need to bring water but will not be able to eat all of the food.  We had time to go out for pizza on the earlier break when Van 2 was running but then slept during our second break.
  • Bring along a new set of clothes for each leg, and then pack another.  I would have run the last leg if I had dry kit to wear.  The sun was out and most of the team was running. 
  • Keep the sweaty clothes in big zip lock bags to prevent the car from stinking up.
  • Make sure you have enough data on your mobile plan for all of the WhatsApp chats.

Some of the above I got from other people before I ran the race.  Do you have any others to add?  Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks to Simplyhealth for sponsoring my 4×4 Challenge.  You can click here to learn about their new Active Plan, which is perfect for people who like to stay fit and healthy.