Doubling up on  my trackers,
because they do different things.

Christmas just happened and we are rapidly approaching Valentine’s Day.  How do you celebrate the ‘holiday’? My husband sees it more as a card company promotion, but I try to get him a little something.  If you have a sporty partner and are considering getting them an activity tracker, here are my tips on selecting one as a gift:

Be ready with a ‘why’. Hopefully they have mentioned wanting one, how all their friends got one for Christmas, or seem curious about how activity trackers work. Valentine’s Day is not the time to make your partner feel insecure about their body shape so give it consideration as a gift choice and be ready to explain why you choose this as a gift. 

Technological abilities. Are they capable/interested/confident in learning how it works? Will they want to monitor heart rate or keep track of how much water they drink? A basic model might suite your partner fine or if they are a technophile, bells and whistles might be best.

What apps they use.  If your gift receiver has all of their training logs on Nike’s free app, they might not be keen to switch to TomTom.  Check if they use Bounts (my referral code is millington1695) or another reward program and if their activities can link.  It would be a shame to loose all that sweat for nothing.

Primary sport.  Is the person a runner, swimmer or cyclist? Different disciplines are tracked with various measures (GPS, altitude, RPM, etc) and you need to match this. You also will need something waterproof for swimmers as not all trackers can get wet and/or used for swimming.
Should the tracker have a large visual display?
This Mio FUSE lights up when you tap the screen.

Size of wearable and the person– If possible, check out the wearable in person to see how big it is. Getting the most expensive GPS watch won’t do your wife any good if it weighs down her arm so much that she can’t run.

I have dainty wrists, so big trackers can be cumbersome for me.

Additional accessories required. When in doubt, accessories are always a good option as they tend to be a bit less specific.  Headphones, arm band, bum bag, portable charge pack, Bluetooth remote control, selfie stick, or a paper based training log are all good items if you can’t decide which activity tracker to pick.

Ready to try out an activity tracker (or give it to a friend)?  Rem-Fit offers s sleeker wrist activity tracker with their 200 series that syncs with the Rem-Fit app on your SMART phone.  It is only $99.00 (£68) so very affordable for newbies to give activity tracking a try.  There are loads of different color silicon bracelets too so you can find one that will match every outfit.  Or you can wear it on your belt.  This tracker will monitor your sleep, steps, distance travelled, and calories burned.

Enter today.  Competition ends 15/2/16.  Winner will be drawn by random by Raffelcopter.  Best of luck!

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