We switch to a different format for May. I have a few bingo cards for you to try out. Since watching The Phantom of the Opera on YouTube, I have been addicted to AccuRadio’s mutiple Broadway musical channels. This has inspired me to create classic and modern musicals bingo cards (there are two different sets for each category for a total of 96 shows). You can either listen to the soundtrack or watch the film of the musical in a square to cross the square out. Click here to download them as one file.
Musicals aren’t for everybody, but I believe chocolate is, so I asked my good friend, Katie from Cake vs. Scales, to create a chocolate lovers bingo board. She went above and beyond by thinking up two chocolate heavy themes. Please remember if you have any food allergies or intolerance to please check all ingredients before consuming our suggested treats.
First up is a Baking Desserts Bingo. Katie put together 20 of her favourite dessert recipes (many from her own website) and I added a few more that I love (such as my cookie dough guilty pleasure and Guinness cupcakes with whiskey ganache). You can download 30 different boards here and then the recipe links can be found here. This is a good one to challenge friends and family to. Book in a night baking together and see who has the best presentation. Take photos and tag us on Instagram (@ptmollie and @cakevsscales) so we see what you get up to.
The other bingo challenge Katie developed for me was with different types of chocolate bars. Many are only available in the UK, so I in addition to the UK chocolate bar bingo game, I also created a US candy bar version for my readers in the States (aka my mom).
If chocolate or musicals don’t make you happy, why not create your own bingo game? There are lots of websites that allow you to create unique boards. You can use films, TV shows, breakfast foods, chores, homework assignments, whatever you fancy really, to generate 30 different cards. Then you can play against friends and family. Our bingo cards are meant to spark some joy but I know these specific ones will not appeal to everyone. There is nothing stopping you from making your own fun with a little bit of creativity and bingo.
Leave a comment below and let me know which card you tried and how you did.
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