When you start running bigger and more challenging races, the organizers want to ensure you are in tip top shape to compete.  Some countries, such as France, will ask for a doctor to sign a release form stating you are fit for each and every race you run.  I had to do it for the Paris Half Marathon, which meant an appointment with my GP, taking time off work, and a £30 fee for a signature on a form.
Pre-race weigh in

Wadi Rum Ultra, race 3 in my 4×4 challenge upped the ante a bit and asked for an electrocaridogram (ECG), in addition to a doctor’s note saying I was fit and healthy.  The race didn’t provide an official form for the doctor to complete so I looked at what the Marathon des Sables form covered.  Included was a medical history, blood pressure, resting heart rate, allergies, and current medications.  I forwarded the link over to the Walk-In Clinic when they invited me in for my medical sign off.

I thought it would just be an ECG because that was included in my original wellwomen appointment in 2017 as that is all the race asked for.  Instead, I was pleasantly surprised for a full physical, ECG, and urine analysis which in total lasted just under an hour.  The Walk-In Clinic have their own sports physical form which made it a bit easier to send the required info over to the race organizers.

Low blood pressure

The doctor is the one I have met in my past visits (including travel vaccination) so we have already built up a bit of a rapport.  She asked relevant questions about the race (how far, how long, what is the environment, how have you been preparing).  We had plenty of time to discuss these answers and much more.  I asked her about hydration strategies as I was still trying to figure that one out.  She talked to.me about my anxiety medication and how I might experience hallucinations under these extreme conditions.

Hooked up for my ECG

The ECG was painless although a bit of a faff to connect to all of the wires.  I think I moved or took a deep breath during the first measurement because my graphs showed a bit dip.  We repeated the process and my resulting ECG was normal. Hurrah!

ECG results

The clinic receptionist offered to scan across my letter and ECG for me even though also they give me the original.  The team is always helpful and efficient.  I love visiting their clinic as the appointments run to time, are long enough that you don’t have to rush any conversations with the GP you see, and the customer service is superb.  If you ever need something for a race (ECG, physical, travel vaccination, etc), I recommend booking in. This private practice offers more flexibility than a GP office with a central London location, next to the Gherkin.

Thanks the City Walk-In Clinic for the complementary service.  All opinions are honest and my own.