Bit of a different format for this week’s quickie. You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. I suggest counting your reps out loud to help ensure you are breathing and so you don’t loose count. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial.
Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.
Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Breath on the excursion (IE, exhale when pushing yourself up on the push up, inhale as you return to the ground). Keep your abs in as if there is a string from your belly button pulling through to your spine.
20 jumping jacks/star jumps
1-2 minutes brisk walk/jog/run – An alternative would be walking or running in place if you cannot go outside.
30 jumping jacks/star jumps
1-2 minutes brisk walk/jog/run
40 jumping jacks/star jumps
1-2 minutes brisk walk/jog/run
10 push/press ups
30 squats – Remember to stick your bum out, keep your chest high, and keep your weight in your heels.
12 push/press ups
35 squats
14 push/press ups
40 squats
30 sec plank – Tummy tight! Breathe!
10 Supermans – Lie on your tummy with arms extended above head. If you have a bad or weak back, lift opposite arm and leg. If you feel comfortable with the exercise, you can lift all 4 limbs off the ground. You don’t need to lift them very high, just enough to feel your lower back muscles working. Remember to breathe.
35 sec plank
12 Supermans
40 sec plank
14 Supermans
Feel like you can keep going? Then do it!
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