You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. Perform once through and keep going if you can. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial.

Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Breath on the excursion (ie, exhale when pushing yourself up on the press up, inhale as you return to the ground).

This workout can be done inside or outside.

1 min- Walk

30 sec- Jog with high knees

1 min- Squat with leg lift at the top. Alternate knees.

1 min- Jumping jacks/star jumps

1 min- Feet shoulder width apart, arms out to side in a letter T, touch opposite hand to opposite toe then come up straight and repeat on other side (work those obliques).

1 min- Stand with feet together, bring one foot back and drop that knee almost to the ground for a reverse lunge. Keep front knee over the ankle when you are down and then bring your back foot to the starting point. Repeat on the other side.

1 min- Pilates 100 Remember to inhale for 5 counts and exhale for 5 counts. Don’t pull with your neck and keep legs in table top position and shoulders off the ground. If your neck hurts, stop.

30 sec- Side plank on your right side.  Keep the top leg’s foot in front of the bottom foot.

30 sec- Side plank on your left side. Keep the top leg’s foot in front of the bottom foot.

1 min- Russian twist. You can hold a weight or ball if you want to add resistance.

1 min- Crab dip not an appetizer but rather a way to work your triceps.  Start with your hips high and tummy tight. Bend elbows to lower hips.

1 min- Frog crunch Have your legs in a butterfly stretch position while lying on your back. Keep your heels up but toes on ground for extra challenge.  Or you can bring your feet up as shown in the video. Keep your tummy tight and don’t pull with your neck.

10 minutes and you are done! Add a cool down by walking for 1 minute. Stretch a bit too as your muscles and joints will be warm. Make 2020 the year of flexibility.