You can use a kitchen timer to keep track of your intervals. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial. Also, please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.
Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Breath on the excursion (ie, exhale when pushing yourself up on the push up, inhale as you return to the ground). Keep your abs in as if there is a string from your belly button pulling through to your spine.
2 min- Warm up walking up and down the stairs.
1 min- Two steps at a time leading with the right leg. Hold on to the railing if you need to. Remember to descend the stairs normally.
1 min- Two steps at a time leading with the left leg. Remember to descend the stairs normally.
20-30 reps- Calf raise on the bottom step. Place the ball of your foot on the edge of the step and lift your heels up and down for a full range of motion.
1 min- Side squat with left foot on 2nd step and right foot on floor.
1 min- Side squat with right foot on 2nd step and left foot on floor.
1 min- Push/press ups incline (hands on steps) for beginners. Decline (feet on steps) if you are more fit.
10-15 reps- Bulgarian squat Face away from steps. Place left foot on first or second step. Lower left knee as low as you can (stop before it reaches the floor) by bending right leg. Leave feet in place and you stand up. Repeat.
10-15 reps- Bulgarian squat Face away from steps. Place right foot on first or second step. Lower right knee as low as you can (stop before it reaches the floor) by bending left leg. Leave feet in place and you stand up. Repeat.
5x- Run up steps for beginners. OR 3x- Hop up the steps (one at a time) if you are more fit.
1 min- Triceps dips on bottom step.
Repeat for more heart-pounding fun.
Tag me on Twitter or Instagram (@ptmollie) before or after your workout so I can cheer you on.
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