If you have a jump rope handy, you can use it in the workout. You can also pretend to jump rope by jumping up and down and circling your wrists.  A kitchen timer or app will be handy to keep track of your intervals. If you are unclear what the exercise is I am describing, please look for a video or arrange for an in-person tutorial.  Please consult your doctor before engaging on any fitness regime.

Remember to go for QUALITY over quantity. Breath on the excursion (ie, exhale when pushing yourself up on the push up, inhale as you return to the ground). Keep your abs in as if there is a string from your belly button pulling through to your spine.

Warm up- Jump rope for 2 minutes (you can skip or hop with both feet off the ground).

1 min- Reverse lunge by stepping back with alternating left and right foot. Think about dropping the back knee to the ground.

1 min- Jumping jacks/star jumps

1 min- Wall sit – Sit with back against wall and knees at 90 degrees. If this is easy, hold a weight in your hand.

Shake your legs out to get rid of the lactic acid. Good job!

30 sec- Plank on forearms with bum in alignment with head. Keep abs tight!

1 min- Hip raise lying on your back-  Lift your hips up in the air so there is a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Drop hips ~3 inches and squeeze bum to bring hips back up.

1 min- Superman by flipping over onto your tummy. With arms extended above your head, gently lift opposite arm and opposite leg ~2 inches off the floor. If you are more athletic, raise all 4 limbs up. For this you only need to feel your lower back working a bit to be effective. If you feel sharp pain, stop.

30 sec- Kneel on a towel or the carpet. Raise your bum so it is just off of your feet. Do small hip circles to the left. Try to stay just above your heels. The pain means it is working! Focus on breathing.

30 sec- Hip circles to the right. Keep breathing.

Shake out those legs!

1 min- Jump over the rope. Lay it straight on the ground and stand so your feet are parallel to the rope. Hop side to side over the rope.

30 sec- Step on the rope with the rope hand so that your elbows are at 90 degrees and your forearms are parallel to the ground.  Try to pull the rope up for 30 seconds (the rope will not allow you to do this but should make your biceps contract for the duration).

20 reps- Shoulder dislocations-  Either fold the rope in half or hold each end, depending on how long your arms are.  Imagine the rope is a stick (or you can use one) and try to keep your arms straight as you lift your arms over your head and behind you.  You do NOT need to go as fast at the guy in the video goes!

30 sec- Step on the rope again, but this time lift your arms out to the side (similar to a lateral raise).  Keep arms straight and try to ‘lift’ for the time to keep shoulders and back tense for the duration.

Give the routine another go if you can!