Waiting for the session to begin.

Two weekends ago, Pay As U Gym (PAUG) invited me to their first Urban Movement Festival (check out the video!).  The concept was an indoor market area with 70 minute group exercise class that offered 10 minute tasters of classes you could attend with a PAUG membership.  So on a Saturday morning, I made my way to Shoreditch’s Underground Village to get my sweat on with 100 strangers.

All of the Urban Movement staff in pink shirts were really friendly and helpful.  They were quick to answer questions and volunteered to take photos when I was struggling with selfies.  Beki from Miss Wheezy and Pennie from Oh My Quad were there. I tried to snap a photo of them twerking but it was hard to do in the dark and a roomful of people (but I did ok, see end of post).  I also met a few other bloggers I knew form Twitter but hadn’t met in person yet.

Schedule of workouts:  We started with a warm up with Bradley Simmonds (which seemed a lot like my old football warm ups.  He used to play professionally), yoga, Pilates, my first Capoeira, box fit, twerk, and HiiT.  The schedule went to time and was a lot of fun.  The crowd seemed to love Capoeira and twerk the most, as I assume these were new to most participants.

Goody bags: Packed full to the brim with healthy snacks, Urban Decay make up, Pop Bands, Nuva water, (plus many more) and we got to keep the pink yoga mat.  I was thrilled to find at the bottom of my bag several gift vouchers for Pay As U Gym. Now I can incorporate Power Plate sessions into my last weeks of taper.  Score!

Pay As U Gym is planning on holding Urban Movement events quarterly so keep checking their social media, as I bet the next one will sell out too.

The market area where a few of the brands had stands where you
could shop or learn more about the products.

 And because I had to share:

Beki and Pennie twerking!